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They raised me to resist: Examining the sociopolitical pathways between parental racial socialization and Black youth’s racial justice action

dc.contributor.authorAnyiwo, Nkemka
dc.contributor.authorAnderson, Riana E.
dc.contributor.authorMarchand, Aixa D.
dc.contributor.authorDiemer, Matthew A.
dc.contributor.authorGarrett, Janay M. 13:38:40en
dc.identifier.citationAnyiwo, Nkemka; Anderson, Riana E.; Marchand, Aixa D.; Diemer, Matthew A.; Garrett, Janay M. (2023). "They raised me to resist: Examining the sociopolitical pathways between parental racial socialization and Black youth’s racial justice action." Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 33(2): 270-286.
dc.description.abstractIn a sample of 500 self-identified Black adolescents from across the United States, this study investigated the pathways between youth’s experiences of parental racial socialization (RS) and their sociopolitical development. Findings from structural equation modelling reveal that RS messages and actions were positively associated with youth’s awareness of racial inequality (critical reflection) and confidence and motivation in addressing racism (critical agency). Further, there were direct and indirect associations between RS and multiple forms of racial justice actions (interpersonal, political/communal, and online). Racial barriers messages were directly positively associated with political/communal and indirectly positively associated with interpersonal and online action, while cultural socialization actions were directly positively associated with all three forms of action. These findings support theoretical contentions that RS messages and actions may be powerful tools for cultivating Black youth’s understanding and capacity to transform racially unjust systems. Further, parents’ behaviours to racially socialize their children may be more impactful than their verbal messages in cultivating multiple forms of racial justice action. Finally, recommendations for future research and practice related to Black youth’s consciousness and activism are presented. Please refer to the Supplementary Material section to find this article’s Community and Social Impact Statement.
dc.publisherHarvard University Press
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.othersocial justice
dc.subject.otherracial socialization
dc.subject.othersociopolitical development
dc.subject.othercritical consciousness
dc.subject.otherBlack youth
dc.titleThey raised me to resist: Examining the sociopolitical pathways between parental racial socialization and Black youth’s racial justice action
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelSocial Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceJournal of Community & Applied Social Psychology
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