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Ultrathin Nitride Ferroic Memory with Large ON/OFF Ratios for Analog In-Memory Computing

dc.contributor.authorWang, Ding
dc.contributor.authorWang, Ping
dc.contributor.authorMondal, Shubham
dc.contributor.authorHu, Mingtao
dc.contributor.authorWu, Yuanpeng
dc.contributor.authorMa, Tao
dc.contributor.authorMi, Zetian 16:51:53en
dc.identifier.citationWang, Ding; Wang, Ping; Mondal, Shubham; Hu, Mingtao; Wu, Yuanpeng; Ma, Tao; Mi, Zetian (2023). "Ultrathin Nitride Ferroic Memory with Large ON/OFF Ratios for Analog In-Memory Computing." Advanced Materials 35(20): n/a-n/a.
dc.description.abstractComputing in the analog regime using nonlinear ferroelectric resistive memory arrays can potentially alleviate the energy constraints and complexity/footprint challenges imposed by digital von Neumann systems. Yet the current ferroelectric resistive memories suffer from either low ON/OFF ratios/imprint or limited compatibility with mainstream semiconductors. Here, for the first time, ferroelectric and analog resistive switching in an epitaxial nitride heterojunction comprising ultrathin (≈5 nm) nitride ferroelectrics, i.e., ScAlN, with potentiality to bridge the gap between performance and compatibility is demonstrated. High ON/OFF ratios (up to 105), high uniformity, good retention, (<20% variation after > 105 s) and cycling endurance (>104) are simultaneously demonstrated in a metal/oxide/nitride ferroelectric junction. It is further demonstrated that the memristor can provide programmability to enable multistate operation and linear analogue computing as well as image processing with high accuracy. Neural network simulations based on the weight update characteristics of the nitride memory yielded an image recognition accuracy of 92.9% (baseline 96.2%) on the images from Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology. The non-volatile multi-level programmability and analog computing capability provide first-hand and landmark evidence for constructing advanced memory/computing architectures based on emerging nitride ferroelectrics, and promote homo and hybrid integrated functional edge devices beyond silicon.Ferroelectric and analog resistive switching in an ultrathin, epitaxial nitride ferroelectric heterostructure is demonstrated, showing high ON/OFF ratios, high uniformity, and good retention that enables multistate operation and linear analog computing with high accuracy. The results pave the way for constructing advanced memory/computing architectures based on emerging nitride ferroelectrics and promote homo and hybrid integrated functional edge devices beyond silicon.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.otherin-memory computing
dc.subject.otherlarge ON/OFF ratio
dc.subject.othernitride ferroelectrics
dc.titleUltrathin Nitride Ferroic Memory with Large ON/OFF Ratios for Analog In-Memory Computing
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelMaterials Science and Engineering
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelEngineering (General)
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceAdvanced Materials
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