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Student Organization Website Creation

dc.contributor.authorChowdhury, Rhea
dc.contributor.authorJohnson, Nick
dc.contributor.authorIatrides, Alexia
dc.contributor.advisorBarger, Mike
dc.description.abstractThe goal of this Honors Capstone was to create a brand new website that was written in a scalable and maintainable way along with thorough documentation of design decisions, development, learnings, and how-tos. This project is aimed to allow all brothers interested in website creation to contribute, regardless of major or year. While some parts of website creation are inherently more complex than others, different majors would likely contribute different items - however the main goal to increase website inclusivity still remains. In particular, the project documentation aims to educate all members with familiarity in computer science (all years, optimally either major or minor in computer science) in a way that allows contribution to the website. The project also aims to encourage participation outside of writing source code, such as development of high level visual designs for the website using Figma. Thus, any member of the fraternity could easily mock up an idea for a feature of the website without needing to code - leading to further accessibility and inclusivity in website creation. Outside of developing this website for Theta Gamma, we also aim to provide open source code, documentation, and workshops to other student organizations to aid in the development of their own websites, which is aimed to elevate all student organizations at the University of Michigan.
dc.subjectHonors Capstone
dc.subjectWebsite Development
dc.titleStudent Organization Website Creation
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.contributor.affiliationumCollege of Engineering
dc.contributor.affiliationumcampusAnn Arbor
dc.owningcollnameHonors Program, The College of Engineering

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