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Recommendations for 46,XX Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Across Two Decades: Insights from the North American Differences of Sex Development Clinician Survey

dc.contributor.authorSorouri Khorashad, Behzad
dc.description.abstractSeveral aspects of clinical management of 46,XX congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) remain unsettled and controversial. The North American Disorders/Differences of Sex Development (DSD) Clinician Survey investigated changes, over the last two decades, in clinical recommendations by specialists involved in the management of newborns with DSD. Members of the (Lawson Wilkins) Pediatric Endocrine Society and the Societies for Pediatric Urology participated in a web-based survey at three timepoints: 2003-04 (T1, n=432), 2010-11 (T2, n=441), and 2020 (T3, n=272). Participants were presented with two clinical case scenarios – newborns with 46,XX CAH and either mild-to-moderate or severe genital masculinization – and asked for clinical recommendations. Across timepoints, most participants recommended rearing the newborn as a girl, that parents (in consultation with physicians) should make surgical decisions, performing early genitoplasty, and disclosing surgical history at younger ages. Several trends were identified: a small, but significant shift toward recommending a gender other than girl; recommending that adolescent patients serve as the genital surgery decision maker; performing genital surgery at later ages; and disclosing surgical details at younger ages. This is the first study assessing physician recommendations across two decades. Despite variability in the recommendations most experts followed CAH clinical practice guidelines. The observation that some of the emerging trends do not align with expert opinion or empirical evidence should serve as both a cautionary note as well as a call for prospective studies examining patient outcomes associated with these changes.en_US
dc.rightsCC0 1.0 Universal*
dc.subjectCongenital adrenal hyperplasia, differences of sex development, decision-making, gender assignment, surgery, disclosure, clinical practice guidelinesen_US
dc.titleRecommendations for 46,XX Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Across Two Decades: Insights from the North American Differences of Sex Development Clinician Surveyen_US
dc.typeArchival Materialen_US
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelHealth Sciences
dc.contributor.affiliationumcampusAnn Arboren_US
dc.description.bitstreamurl Manuscript Appendix.pdf
dc.description.bitstreamurl Tables.pdf
dc.description.filedescriptionDescription of CAH Manuscript Appendix.pdf : Appendix
dc.description.filedescriptionDescription of Supplementary Tables.pdf : Supplementary tables
dc.owningcollnamePediatrics and Communicable Diseases, Department of

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