Jimmie Howard Reynolds diary


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Jimmie Howard Reynolds diary

The materials in this online repository form the Jimmie Howard Reynolds diary collection held by the Bentley Historical Library. For a more complete index to the materials, please consult the collection's online finding aid.

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Jimmie Howard Reynolds (1925-2013) was a band director from Louisiana who taught and directed music programs at the high school and collegiate level. During the 1970-71 academic year, Reynolds took a sabbatical leave from his position as Director of Bands at Louisiana Polytechnic University to serve as a graduate assistant under Dr. William D. Revelli during his final year as Director of Bands at the University of Michigan. Reynolds kept a journal of rehearsals and performances from that time, and wrote extensively about the pedagogical practices Revelli employed as Director. This diary is a digital transcription of the entire diary as-written, prepared by Reynolds' son, Dr. Patrick Allen Reynolds, in 2021.

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