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Macronutrient modifications of optimal foraging theory: An approach using indifference curves applied to some modern foragers

dc.contributor.authorHill, Kimen_US
dc.identifier.citationHill, Kim; (1988). "Macronutrient modifications of optimal foraging theory: An approach using indifference curves applied to some modern foragers." Human Ecology 16(2): 157-197. <>en_US
dc.description.abstractThe use of energy (calories) as the currency to be maximized per unit time in Optimal Foraging Models is considered in light of data on several foraging groups. Observations on the Ache, Cuiva, and Yora foragers suggest men do not attempt to maximize energetic return rates, but instead often concentrate on acquiring meat resources which provide lower energetic returns. The possibility that this preference is due to the macronutrient composition of hunted and gathered foods is explored. Indifference curves are introduced as a means of modeling the tradeoff between two desirable commodities, meat (protein-lipid) and carbohydrate, and a specific indifference curve is derived using observed choices in five foraging situatiuons. This curve is used to predict the amount o meat that Mbuti foragers will trade for carbohydrate, in an attempt to test the utility of the approach .en_US
dc.format.extent2643811 bytes
dc.format.extent3115 bytes
dc.publisherKluwer Academic Publishers-Plenum Publishers; Plenum Publishing Corporation ; Springer Science+Business Mediaen_US
dc.subject.otherSocial Sciences, Generalen_US
dc.subject.otherEnvironmental Managementen_US
dc.subject.otherForaging Theoryen_US
dc.subject.otherSouth Americaen_US
dc.titleMacronutrient modifications of optimal foraging theory: An approach using indifference curves applied to some modern foragersen_US
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelEcology and Evolutionary Biologyen_US
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Revieweden_US
dc.contributor.affiliationumDepartment of Anthropology, Emory University, 30322, Atlanta, Georgia; Department of Anthropology, University of Michigan, 48109, Ann Arbor, Michiganen_US
dc.contributor.affiliationumcampusAnn Arboren_US
dc.identifier.sourceHuman Ecologyen_US
dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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