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Formula SAE Cast Magnesium Wheels

dc.contributor.authorCoons, Steven
dc.contributor.authorGallé, Raymon
dc.contributor.authorGilroy Smith, Bryan
dc.contributor.authorNanry, John
dc.contributor.advisorDas, Suman
dc.descriptionME450 Capstone Design and Manufacturing Experience: Winter 2007en
dc.description.abstractThe University of Michigan MRacing Formula SAE Team is interested in improving the performance of their race car, specifically through reducing weight. The wheels have been targeted as an area for weight reduction, as they are unsprung rotating mass and have the highest inertia condition on the car. To accomplish this, we have settled on designing and manufacturing a set of cast magnesium wheels. The wheels will be designed with the aid of 3D modeling software and finite element analysis, and cast out of magnesium using a sand-casting process. The tooling will be made with rapid prototyping material that will greatly reduce production time and cost. They will also be physically tested on a test rig and run on the 2007 MRacing vehicle for design validation.en
dc.description.sponsorshipUniversity of Michigan MRacing Formula SAE Team. ME 450.en
dc.format.extent3324672 bytes
dc.titleFormula SAE Cast Magnesium Wheelsen
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelMechanical Engineering
dc.contributor.affiliationumME 450 Studentsen
dc.contributor.affiliationumcampusAnn Arbor
dc.owningcollnameMechanical Engineering, Department of

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