Table of Contents: The Essentials of Managing Growth p. 4 - Three entrepreneurs who founded their own companies and experienced the "growth pains'" involved in building an organization discuss how they got started ami what they have learned. They include: Fred Alger p. 5 - In 1964, Alger founded an investment advisory firm that specializes In intensive money management. It has been spectacularly successful ; Thomas Monaghan p. 7 - In I960, Monaghan borrowed $500 with his brother to open a tiny restaurant in Ypsilanti His business is now worth $260,000,000. ; C. H. Rubin p. 10 - C. H. Rubin & Company began as a spinoff, and its founder has worked with several companies from start-up all the way through a public offering. Here he discusses the different stages of growth. ; A Matter of Money p. 13 - Why isn't more money being invested in new or developing companies in Michigan? And what, can be clone about it? Professor Brophy's Growth Capital Symposium is helping. ; Diane Brown, MBA '80, and Getex p. 17 - When Diane Brown joined Genex two years ago, she was the 42nd employee. Since then, the company has grown 500% ; James Tann, MBA '67, and National Semiconductor p. 19 - When James Tann went to work for National Semiconductor in 1979, annual sales totaled $400 million. Now they are over $1 billion. ; We're Two Thirds of the Way There! p. 23 - Gifts and pledges of $10.9 million have been given to the School since our Capital Campaign began, bringing us a long way toward our eventual goal of $15 million. ; Among Ourselves p. 24 ; Class Notes p. 28 ; Washington Campus p. 35 A six day seminar on the changing federal environment and its implications tor business in the coming decade will be held lor University oi Michigan alumni May 1-6 in Washington. D.C. <>
Graduate School of Business Administration, University of Michigan
Electronic reproduction; Ann Arbor Michigan; Michigan Copy Center; 2004
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