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The Psychological Nature of Physical Health

dc.contributor.authorHouse, J. A.
dc.contributor.authorKaplan, George A.
dc.identifier.citationTelescope on Society: Survey Research and Social Science at the University of Michigan and beyond, 2004, pp. 248-271 <>en
dc.format.extent1253029 bytes
dc.publisherUniversity of Michigan Pressen
dc.titleThe Psychological Nature of Physical Healthen
dc.typeBook Chapteren_US
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelPublic Health
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelHealth Sciences
dc.contributor.affiliationumEpidemiology, Department ofen
dc.contributor.affiliationumcampusAnn Arboren
dc.description.bitstreamurl JS, The Psychosocial Nature of Physical Health, 2004 (chapter).pdfen_US
dc.owningcollnameEpidemiology, Department of (SPH)

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