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Immunocytochemical Demonstration of Na + ,K + -ATPase in Internodal Axolemma of Myelinated Fibers of Rat Sciatic and Optic Nerves

dc.contributor.authorMata, Marinaen_US
dc.contributor.authorFink, David J.en_US
dc.contributor.authorErnst, Stephen A.en_US
dc.contributor.authorSiegel, George J.en_US
dc.identifier.citationMata, Marina; Fink, David J.; Ernst, Stephen A.; Siegel, George J. (1991). "Immunocytochemical Demonstration of Na + ,K + -ATPase in Internodal Axolemma of Myelinated Fibers of Rat Sciatic and Optic Nerves." Journal of Neurochemistry 57(1): 184-192. <>en_US
dc.description.abstractWe used postembedding electron microscopic immunocytochemistry with colloidal gold to determine the ultrastructural distribution of Na + ,K + -ATPase in the sciatic and optic nerves of the rat. Using a polyclonal antiserum raised against the denatured catalytic subunit of brain Na + ,K + -ATPase, we found immunoreactivity along the internodal axolemma of myelinated fibers in both nerves. This antiserum did not produce labeling of nodal axolemma. These results suggest that an important site of energy-dependent sodium-potassium exchange is along the internodal axolemma of myelinated fibers in the mammalian CNS and PNS and that there may be differences between the internodal and nodal forms of the enzyme.en_US
dc.format.extent3544839 bytes
dc.format.extent3110 bytes
dc.publisherBlackwell Publishing Ltden_US
dc.rights1991 International Society for Neurochemistry Ltd.en_US
dc.subject.otherNa + ,K + -ATPaseen_US
dc.subject.otherSciatic Nerveen_US
dc.subject.otherOptic Nerveen_US
dc.subject.otherInternodal Axolemmaen_US
dc.subject.otherMyelinated Fibersen_US
dc.titleImmunocytochemical Demonstration of Na + ,K + -ATPase in Internodal Axolemma of Myelinated Fibers of Rat Sciatic and Optic Nervesen_US
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelHealth Sciencesen_US
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Revieweden_US
dc.contributor.affiliationumNeurology Research Laboratory, V A. Medical Center, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.en_US
dc.contributor.affiliationum† Neurology (Laboratory of Neurochemistry), University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.en_US
dc.contributor.affiliationum† Departments of Anatomy and Cell Biology, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A.en_US
dc.identifier.sourceJournal of Neurochemistryen_US
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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