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Dynamic effects in the scattering of electrons by small clusters of atoms

dc.contributor.authorBartell, Lawrence S.en_US
dc.contributor.authorRaoult, B.en_US
dc.contributor.authorTorchet, G.en_US
dc.identifier.citationBartell, L. S.; Raoult, B.; Torchet, G. (1977). "Dynamic effects in the scattering of electrons by small clusters of atoms." The Journal of Chemical Physics 66(12): 5387-5392. <>en_US
dc.description.abstractDynamic scattering corrections were calculated for 40 kV electrons diffracted by randomly oriented fcc clusters of argon and of gold atoms ranging in size from 13 to 135 atoms. Computations were carried out according to several variants of two limiting theoretical approaches, namely, the direct summing up of atomic contributions calculated through single–single and single–double scattered waves by modifications of Glauber theory, and the extrapolation to limitingly small crystallites of conventional dynamic theory in the Blackman and Fujimoto formulations. For the small clusters studied, integrated intensities of diffraction rings (through single–double scatterings) calculated for three dimensional crystallites differ insignificantly from Glauber theory intensities calculated by projecting atomic potential energies onto a plane perpendicular to the mean direction of the incident and scattered wave vectors. The fractional dynamic correction increases with cluster size very nearly as N2/3 in both the Glauber and Blackman–Fujimoto limiting treatments. For crystalline clusters 8–20 Å in diameter, the dynamic effect calculated by summing single–double scatterings is an order of magnitude larger than that according to Blackman–Fujimoto theory. For argon clusters the dynamic effect is not serious; but according to our direct sums, dynamic corrections for 16 Å spheres of gold are surprisingly large, exceeding 25% for 111 reflections. Since the direct sums have been verified experimentally for several vapor‐phase molecules, the present work indicates that, in the limit of very small scatterers, extrapolations from conventional two‐beam dynamic theory may seriously underestimate the magnitude of dynamic effects.en_US
dc.format.extent3102 bytes
dc.format.extent452266 bytes
dc.publisherThe American Institute of Physicsen_US
dc.rights© The American Institute of Physicsen_US
dc.titleDynamic effects in the scattering of electrons by small clusters of atomsen_US
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Revieweden_US
dc.contributor.affiliationumDepartment of Chemistry, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109en_US
dc.contributor.affiliationotherGroupe des Agrégats Moléculaires, Laboratoire de Diffraction Electronique–Université de Paris Sud, 91405 Orsay Cedex, Franceen_US
dc.identifier.sourceThe Journal of Chemical Physicsen_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceJ. Farges, B. Raoult, and G. Torchet, J. Chem. Phys. 59, 3454 (1973); J. Farges, M. F. de Feraudy, B. Raoult, and G. Torchet, J. Phys. (Paris) 36, C2 (1975); J. Farges, M. F. de Feraudy, B. Raoult, Ph. Schwartz, and G. Torchet, Acta Crystallogr. A 31, 171 (1975).en_US
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dc.identifier.citedreferencePh. Buffat and J. P. Borel, Phys. Rev. A 13, 2287 (1976).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceSee, for example, C. W. B. Grigson, in Advances in Electronics and Electron Physics, Supplement 4: Electron Beam and Laser Beam Technology, edited by L. Marton and A. B. El‐Kareh (Academic, New York, 1968), pp. 189 and 199.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceE. J. Jacob and L. S. Bartell, J. Chem. Phys. 53, 2231 (1970).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceL. S. Bartell and T. C. Wong, J. Chem. Phys. 56, 2364 (1972); T. C. Wong and L. S. Bartell, 58, 5654 (1973).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceC. L. Ritz, doctoral dissertation, The University of Michigan, 1975, and unpublished research.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceH. Bethe, Ann. Phys. Leipzig 87, 55 (1928).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceC. H. MacGillavry, Physica (Utrecht) 7, 329 (1940). See also the reviews in J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 17, Suppl. B II (1962).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceM. Blackman, Proc. R. Soc. London 173, 68 (1939).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceF. Fujimoto, Z. Naturforsch. Teil A 20, 367 (1965).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceH. Fengler, Z. Naturforsch. Teil A 16, 1205 (1961).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceL. S. Bartell, J. Chem. Phys. 63, 3750 (1975).en_US
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dc.identifier.citedreferenceA. C. Yates and A. Tenney, Phys. Rev. A 5, 2474 (1972).en_US
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dc.identifier.citedreferenceJ. Gjønnes, Acta Crystallogr. 13, 1975 (1964).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceR. A. Bonham, J. Chem. Phys. 43, 1103 (1965); J. W. Liu and R. A. Bonham, J. Mol. Struct. 11, 297 (1972).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceV. C. Romanov, A. V. Neymark, and M. G. Anashkin, Zhur. Khim. 15, 383 (1974).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceR. J. Glauber, Lect. Theor. Phys. 1, 315 (1959).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHere, eikonal is used in the sense expressed by R. G. Newton, Scattering Theory of Waves and Particles (McGraw‐Hill, New York, 1966), Chap. 18.en_US
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dc.identifier.citedreferenceZ. G. Pinsker, Electron Diffraction (Butterworths, London, 1953), Chap. 8.en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceBlackman’s treatment, Ref. 10, did in fact overestimate one factor; a value of ∣υ111∣2∣υ111∣2 was used which is twofold larger than the more modern value adopted in the present paper.en_US
dc.owningcollnamePhysics, Department of

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