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Evaluation of Counselor Effectiveness

dc.contributor.authorRiggs, Ronald C.en_US
dc.identifier.citationRiggs, Ronald C. (1979). "Evaluation of Counselor Effectiveness." The Personnel and Guidance Journal 58(1). <>en_US
dc.publisherBlackwell Publishing Ltden_US
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.en_US
dc.titleEvaluation of Counselor Effectivenessen_US
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelSocial Sciencesen_US
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Revieweden_US
dc.contributor.affiliationumGuidance and Counseling Program, University of Michigan, Ann Arboren_US
dc.identifier.sourceThe Personnel and Guidance Journalen_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceAltman, H. A. Effects of empathy, warmth, and genuineness in the initial counseling interview. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1973, 12, 225 – 228. (EJ 072620).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceArd, B. N., Jr. Providing clinical supervision for marriage counselors; A model for supervisor and supervisee. Family Coordinator, 1973, 22, 91 – 97. (EJ 071008).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceAvis, J. O., & Stewart, L. H. College counseling intentions and change. Counseling Psychologist, 1976, 6, 74 – 77. (EJ 144399).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceAyer, M. J.; Wright, G. N.; & Butler, A. Counselor orientation: Relationship with responsibilities and performance. Wisconsin Studies in Vocational Rehabilitation, 10. Madison: University of Wisconsin Regional Rehabilitation Research Institute, 1968. (ED 033378).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceBaker, S. B. Why not let the consumers evaluate the counselors? School Counselor, 1972, 20, 64 – 65. (EJ 066386).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceBetz, R. Counselor image in the secondary school of Kalamazoo, Michigan Kalamazoo, Mich.: Kalamazoo Public Schools, Education Feedback Center, 1970. (ED 044728).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceBiggers, J. L. The counselor utilization index. School Counselor, 1971, 19, 120 – 122. (EJ 047190).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceBishop, J. B. Another look at counselor, client, and supervisor ratings of counselor effectiveness. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1971, 10, 319 – 323. (EJ 042329).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceBonk, E. D., & Jansen, D. G. Correlations between the Guilford‐Zimmerman Temperament Survey and rankings of counseling competency. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1974, 21, 575 – 576. (EJ 108853).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceBorman, C. A., & Ramirez, C. Evaluating counseling practicum students. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1975, 15, 48 – 54. (EJ 122407).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceBowditch, A. M.; diStefano, C.; Payne, H.; Peets, C.; & Wallace, B. A self appraisal manual developed for personal or office use and as a possible workshop aid. Professional Audit for Secondary School Counselors Series, Washington/Evanston, Ill., D.C.: American School Counselor Association/Association of College Admissions Counselors, 1973. (ED 095454).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceBrown, D. Counselor, counselee, and supervisor ratings of counselor effectiveness. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1969, 8, 113 – 118. (EJ 000358).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceBurck, H. D., & Peterson, G. W. Needed: More evaluation, not research. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1975, 53, 563 – 569. (EJ 115618).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceCarey, R. G. Presterilization interviewing: An evaluation. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1976, 23, 492 – 494. (EJ 144333).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceCarlson, K. W. Increasing verbal empathy as a function of feedback and instructions Murfreesboro: Middle Tennessee State University, 1969. (ED 063537).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceChase, B. S. Middle school/junior high school counselors' corner. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 1973, 7, 292 – 294. (EJ 079457).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceCherry, N. L. Client's experience of vocational guidance. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 1974, 4, 67 – 76. (EJ 102228).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceColangelo, N., & Zaffran, R. T. Reflection on a guidance department evaluation. Humanist Educator, 1976, 15, 20 – 34. (EJ 149984).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceDavidshofer, C.O.; Borman, A.; & Weigel, R. G. The Counseling Services Assessment Blank: Is it reliable? Journal of College Student Personnel, 1977, 18, 215 – 218. (EJ 160212).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceDean, D. W., & Humann, J. A. A report of a pilot program in elementary school guidance 1965–1966, 1967–1968 Lincoln: Nebraska State Department of Education, 1968. (ED 032590).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceDeVolder, John P. Community college students define counselor role 1969. (ED 030411).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceDies, R. R. Group therapist self‐disclosure: An evaluation by clients. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1973, 20, 344 – 348. (EJ 084136).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceDilley, J., & Bowers, I. C. A long distance approach to evaluating counselor communication. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1973, 12, 178 – 183. (EJ 073003).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceDragan, J. W. Counselor certification—panacea or placebo? Paper presented at the meetings of the Canadian Guidance and Counseling Association, Toronto, 1971. (ED 058592).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceDuncan, J. P. Construction of a forced choice rating scale for student evaluation of residence hall counselors. Paper presented at the annual convention of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, Washington, D.C., 1968. (ED 022222).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceDunlop, R. S. Counselor competence—some proposals in search of advocacy. Facility: The Journal of the Professional Counselors Association, 1971, 3 ( 4 ), 9 – 14. (EJ 044144).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceDupre, R. W. The effects of counselor response upon the premature termination of clients Unpublished manuscript. Ruston, La.: Louisiana Polytechnic Institute, 1970. (ED 040447).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceEckstein, D. G. Improving counselor effectiveness by means of feedback and encouragement. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, 1974. (ED 098467).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceEnglish, R. W., & Jelenevsky, S. Counselor behavior as judged under audio, visual, and audiovisual communication conditions. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1971, 18, 509 – 513. (EJ 050310).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceFerris, P. Some ideas concerning evaluation of counselors and guidance programs. Facility: The Journal of the Professional Counselors Association, 1971, 3 ( 4 ), 3 – 4. (EJ 044141).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceFriesen, D. D., & Dunning, G. B. Peer evaluation and practicum supervision. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1973, 12, 229 – 235. (EJ 073004).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceGalant, R., & Moncrieff, N. J. (Comps.). Accountability in guidance. Searchlight: Relevant Resources in High Interest Areas Retrospective Search, 19 R Ann Arbor, Mich.: ERIC Clearinghouse on Counseling and Personnel Services, 1974. (ED 106747).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceGamboa, A. M., Jr., & Koltvelt, T. H. I‐level: A differential counseling system. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1973, 52, 83 – 89. (EJ 085759).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceGeist, G. O.; Hershenson, D. B.; & Hafer, M. Rehabilitation counselor training: An effort at evaluation 1972. (ED 090479).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceGelso, C. J. The effects of audio and video recording on clients. Research Report 2–72. College Park, University of Maryland Counseling Center, 1972. (ED 068064).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceGlazer, S. H. Client evaluation of counseling experience. Journal of College Student Personnel, 1969, 10, 115 – 117. (EJ 002107).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceGruen, B., & Ball, G. Let's evaluate evaluation. School Counselor, 1974, 21, 228 – 229. (EJ 092450).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceGump, L. R., Jr. Sophistication in counselor self‐understanding and perceived effectiveness. College Park: University of Maryland, 1969. (ED 032602).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHardy, R. E. Rate yourself—the only thing you have to lose is your job. School Counselor, 1973, 21, 59 – 61. (EJ 082514).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHecht, A. R., & Henry, B. Development of a semantic differential instrument for student evaluation of community college counseling conferences. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the North Central Region AERA Special Interest Group on Community/Junior College Research, Madison, Wisconsin, 1976. (ED 125679).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHector, M. A., & Yager, G. G. Coaches, counselors and accountability. Michigan Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1972, 4, 5 – 9. (EJ 076171).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHenderson, H. L. Using the helping relationship inventory for assessing and developing counselor response styles. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 1974, 18, 60 – 63. (EJ 103911).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHeran, J. J.; Herr, E. L.; & Warner, R. W., Jr. Effects of audio and video monitoring on interview discomfort. Journal of Employment Counseling, 1973, 10, 40 – 43. (EJ 072622).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHeubusch, N. J., & Horan, J. J. Some effects of counselor profanity in counseling. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1977, 24, 456 – 458. (EJ 167354).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHewer, V. H. An aid for supervision in practicum. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1974, 21, 66 – 70. (EJ 097591).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHogan, J., & Markwardt, F. C. Counselor education in Minnesota: A status study St. Paul: Minnesota State Department of Education, Pupil Personnel Services Section, 1969. (ED 032582).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHopper, G., & Schroder, A. Direct observation of high school counselors' use of time. Journal of the Student Personnel Association for Teacher Education, 1974, 12, 102 – 107. (EJ 094371).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHumes, C. W. School psychologist accountability via PPBS. Journal of School Psychology, 1974, 12, 40 – 45. (EJ 099015).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceHumphry, B. Development and analysis of a taped and written test for guidance counselors: A pilot study Princeton, N.J.: Educational Testing Service, 1973. (ED 081782).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceJansen, D. G.; Robb, G. P.; & Bonk, E. C. Peer ratings of practicum counselors. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1972, 19, 333 – 339. (EJ 061846).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceKagan, N., & Krathwohl, D. R. Studies in human interaction, interpersonal process recall stimulated by videotape East Lansing: Michigan State University, College of Education, 1967. (ED 017946).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceKelly, R. O. Measuring your P. R. pulse. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 1976, 10, 184 – 186. (EJ 137649).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceKing, P. T. Research on counselor effectiveness Paper presented at the annual conventiontion of the American College Personnel Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 1975. (ED 110883).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceKinnebrew, E. L., & Day, L. R. Staff evaluation, Sacramento City College 1973 Paper presented at California Junior College Association Research Conference, 1973. (ED 088543).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceKnox, W. E.; Pratto, D. J.; & Callahan, C. M. Domains of decision‐making and school counselor use among high school seniors. Sociology of Education, 1974, 47, 466 – 490. (EJ 109981).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceLee, D. Y., & Nevison, M. B. Students' perception of therapeutic core conditions with client's problem controlled. Canadian Counselor, 1971, 5 ( 3 ), 47 – 54. (EJ 033274).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceLeitner, L. A. Discrimination of counselor interpersonal skills in self and others. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1972, 19, 509 – 541. (EJ 069706).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceLeviton, H. S. Consumer feedback on a secondary school guidance program. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1977, 55, 242 – 244. (EJ 151111).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceLipsett, L. Evaluating the performance of service agency counselors. Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 1971, 19, 206 – 210. (EJ 033275).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceLoesch, L. C., & Rucker, B. A. Factor analysis of the counselor evaluation rating scale. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1977, 16, 209 – 216. (EJ 156784).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceLudwig, M. A. An administrator's look at guidance and counseling for the 70's. Facility: The Journal of the Professional Counselors Association, 1971, 3 ( 4 ). (EJ 044142).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMartin, D. G. A method of self evaluation for counselor education. Final report Athens: University of Georgia College of Education, February 1968. (ED 023131).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMartin, D. G., & Gazda, G. M. A method of self evaluation for counselor education utilizing the measurement of facilitative conditions. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1970, 9, 87 – 91. (EJ 015759).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMay, O. P., & Thompson, C. L. Perceived level of self‐disclosure, mental health and helpfulness of group leaders. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1973, 20, 349 – 352. (EJ 084137).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMay, R. D. Pennsylvania Elementary Guidance Evaluation Instrument. Elementary School Guidance and Counseling, 1976, 10, 188 – 194. (EJ 137650).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMcAlees, D. C., & Schumacker, B. Toward a new professionalism: Certification and accreditation. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 1975, 18, 160 – 165. (EJ 113964).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMcIlvaine, J. H. Coached clients as raters of counseling effectiveness. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1972, 12, 123 – 129. (EJ 068050).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMcWhirter, J. J. Two measures of the facilitative conditions: A correlation study. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1973, 20, 317 – 320. (EJ 084132).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMiller, G. D.; Gum, M. F.; & Bender, D. Elementary school guidance: Demonstration and evaluation St. Paul: Minnesota State Department of Education, Pupil Personnel Services Section, 1972. (ED 072371).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMiller, J. N., & Engin, A. W. Tomorrow's counselor; Competent or unemployed? Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1976, 54, 262 – 266. (EJ 130684).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMiller, H. R., & Shields, E. E. An evaluation of an intensiue pre‐practicum training program Unpublished manuscript, 1971. (ED 128731).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMitchell, Dew. W., & Cangemi, J. P. Interactional analysis and the counseling interview. College Student Journal, 1977, 11, 243 – 249. (EJ 169269).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMuro, J. J. Evaluation of a comprehensive guidance and counseling service for rural Maine communities Camden: Maine School Union, 1970. (ED 046561).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceMyrick, R. D., & Kelly, F. D., Jr. A scale for evaluating practicum students in counseling and supervision. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1971, 10, 330 – 336. (EJ 042330).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceO'Connor, D. J. A profile of personality skills in school counseling. Journal of Moral Education, 1976, 6, 43 – 50. (EJ 156231).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceOhio School Counselors Association. Report of the 9th annual all Ohio junior high guidance conference: Up, up with people—through a galaxy of services for the individual 1971. (ED 055302).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferencePayne, P. A.; Winter, D. E.; & Bell, G. E. Effects of supervisor style upon the learning of empathy in a supervision dialogue Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, Washington, D.C., 1970. (ED 039570).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferencePenn‐Harris‐Madison School Corporation. Performance‐based teacher appraisal program for the Penn‐Harris‐Madison School Corporation Mishawaka, Ind.: Author, 1973. (ED 093919).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferencePenn, L., & Bolding, J. Relationship between interpersonal characteristics and counselor personality Unpublished manuscript. 1970. (ED 095465).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferencePepyne, E. W. The development and evaluation of an interactive computer system for use in counselor education. Final report West Hartford, Conn.: Hartford University, 1970. (ED 058744).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferencePercival, R. R. A competency‐measurement instrument for evaluating school counselors Unpublished doctoral dissertation, North Texas State University, 1974. (ED 108097).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferencePerez, F. I., & Taylor, R. L., Jr. Social‐learning‐systems approach to accountability for counseling Paper presented to the annual meeting of the Texas Personnel and Guidance Association, Houston, 1974. (ED 087961).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferencePulvino, C. J. A case study approach to counselor accountability Paper presented at the Annual Workshop in Counseling and Guidance, Madison, Wisconsin, 1976. (ED 137700).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceQuinn, P. F., & Silverman, M. S. Evaluation of supervision or monitor‐modeling versus immediate feedback supervision in practicum Unpublished. No date. (ED 119035).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceRichardson, B. K. & Rubin, S. E. Analysis of rehabilitation counselor subrole behavior. Rehabilitation Counseling Bulletin, 1973, 17, 47 – 57. (EJ 084075).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceRobertson, D. W.; Ward, S. W.; & Royle, M. H. Evaluation and prediction of Navy career counselor effectiveness. Final report November 1973–December 1977 San Diego, Calif.: Navy Personnel Research and Development Center, 1977. (ED 148902).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceRosen, D., & Zytowski, D. G. Individualized problem‐oriented self‐report of change as a follow‐up of a university counseling service. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1977, 24, 437 – 439. (EJ 167349).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceSantoro, D. A. A manual for understanding and improving counselor/client interview behavior Lexington: University of Kentucky College of Education, 1969. (ED 038719).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceShelton, J. E. Counselor characteristics and effectiveness in serving economically disadvantaged and advantaged males. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1973, 13, 129 – 135. (EJ 089249).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceSiegel, B. Evaluating a guidance counselor. School Counselor, 1969, 16, 309 – 311. (EJ 003648).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceSiegel, B. Evaluating the guidance counselor. NASSP Bulletin, 1969, 53 ( 334 ), 80 – 83. (EJ 004329).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceSilverman, M. S., & Quinn, P. F. Objective ratings of monitor‐modeling supervision in practicum Unpublished manuscript. 1972. (ED 071005).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceSkymko, D. L., & Weiser, J. C. The use of coached clients in summer practicum programs. Canadian Counselor, 1973, 3, 200 – 205. (EJ 097629).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceStewart, B. Some criteria for the evaluation of guidance counselors. School Guidance Worker, 1974, 30, 19 – 20. (EJ 103920).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceStewart, J. C. M.S. What you saw is what you got. Facility: The Journal of the Professional Counselors Association, 1971, 3 ( 4 ), 7 – 8. (EJ 044143).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceSweeney, T. J., & Vogel, F. J. Certification and licensure Unpublished manuscript. 1973. (ED 087974).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceTentoni, S. C. Counselor effectiveness through radio communication Paper presented at the convention of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, Dallas, 1977. (ED 136183).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceThoreson, R. W.; Smits, S. J.; Butler, A. J.; & Wright, G. N. Counseling problems associated with counselor characteristics. Wisconsin Studies in Vocational Rehabilitation, 8. Madison: University of Wisconsin Regional Rehabilitation Research Institute, 1969. (ED 033381).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceTien‐Teh, L. Counseling relationship as a function of counselor's self‐confidence, Journal of Counseling Psychology, 1973, 20, 293 – 297. (EJ 084128).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceTrong, E. B. Change through creative counseling. Thrust for Education Leadership, 1976, 6, 19 – 21. (EJ 156324).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceVan Atta, R. Neurotic and environmental sources of psychotherapist resistance to evaluation Paper presented at the convention of the American College Personnel Association, Atlanta, Georgia, 1975. (ED 109570).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceWard, G. R. Theoretical orientation influences the assessment of counselor effectiveness. Counselor Education and Supervision, 1974, 14, 150 – 154. (EJ 108970).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceWatson, P., & Noble, F. C. Client satisfaction with counseling as a function of type of problem, training and experience of counselor and duration of counseling Paper presented at the convention of the American Personnel and Guidance Association, Washington, D.C., 1971. (ED 050425).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceWatts, A. G. Counseling and career education in the United States: A visitor's view. Vocational Guidance Quarterly, 1973, 21, 254 – 261. (EJ 082087).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceWeinrach, S. G. The relationship between the level of counselor self‐actualization and student perception of the guidance program Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Toledo, 1972. (ED 090469).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceWeinrach, S. G. The consistency of student priorities with perceptions of the counselor as a source of help 1974. (ED 095444).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceWeinrach, S. G. Outcome research: Implications for counseling in the elementary school 1976. (ED 134913).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceWittmer, J. & Wehr, M. Effective counselor and paraprofessional counselor trainees: A comparison of personality characteristics. Journal of the Student Personnel Association for Teacher Education, 1972, 11, 61 – 69. (EJ 070983).en_US
dc.identifier.citedreferenceZwibelman, B. B. Differences in the utilization of professional and paraprofessional counseling services. Journal of College Student Personnel, 1977, 18, 358 – 361. (EJ 165520).en_US
dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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