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B064: Kale Mevkii Settlement

dc.contributor.authorAphrodisias Regional Surveyen_US
dc.identifier.citationPage reference: Christopher Ratté and Peter D. De Staebler (eds.). Aphrodisias V. The Aphrodisias Regional Survey (Verlag Philipp von Zabern: Darmstadt/Mainz, 2012), 26, 71, 85, 233. <>en_US
dc.descriptionLocal Name: Kale Mevkiien_US
dc.descriptionLocal Informant: Kismet Cağdaken_US
dc.descriptionLocal Information: On a promentory between two stream beds north of Palamutçuk, now a firebreak with modern terrace walls for continued olive workingen_US
dc.descriptionElevation: 795.43men_US
dc.descriptionDimensions: approximately 30 by 30 men_US
dc.descriptionDescription: The ancient settlement is located in hills north of Palamutçuk, on a natural schist outcropping in an area known as Kale Mevkii, the "area of the castle." The extent of the settlement probably follows the natural contours of the site, which slopes steeply on the north, west, and south sides. The site is approximately 30 m by 30 m. A modern firebreak along the crest of the ridge has destroyed much of the settlement, and modern terracing for olive groves has caused further disruption. The walls are constructed of schist, the immediately available local stone, and many worked schist blocks are visible in the area. Visibility at the site is high, and three rooms are clearly discerned just to the south of the firebreak, and another small portion of a wall is farther to the south of them. The one mill element at the site is a fragmentary crushing basin (B109) uncovered in the process of building the firebreak. The pottery collected at the site ranges in date from Hellenistic and Early Roman (echinus bowl rims, Lime Cookware) through Imperial Roman (Gritty Cookware sherds). None of the pottery is distinctively later than High Imperial, though, so the site may have been abandoned before the Late Antique period. Three large pithos fragments were also found at the site, two of which showed clear evidence of burning.en_US
dc.descriptionFinds: Finds suggest an occupation range of Hellenistic to Roman, with some Late Roman (up to 4th/5th c AD) ** Systematic pottery collection conducated 6 June 2008en_US
dc.subject4: Romanen_US
dc.subject3: Hellenisticen_US
dc.subject5: Late Romanen_US
dc.titleB064: Kale Mevkii Settlementen_US
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelSocial Sciencesen_US
dc.owningcollnameAphrodisias Regional Survey

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