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Combining Prototypes: A Selective Modification Model

dc.contributor.authorSmith, Edward E.en_US
dc.contributor.authorOsherson, Daniel N.en_US
dc.contributor.authorRips, Lance J.en_US
dc.contributor.authorKeane, Margareten_US
dc.identifier.citationSmith, Edward E.; Osherson, Daniel N.; Rips, Lance J.; Keane, Margaret (1988). "Combining Prototypes: A Selective Modification Model." Cognitive Science 12(4). <>en_US
dc.publisherLawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc.en_US
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.en_US
dc.titleCombining Prototypes: A Selective Modification Modelen_US
dc.subject.hlbtoplevelHealth Sciencesen_US
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Revieweden_US
dc.contributor.affiliationumUniversity of Michiganen_US
dc.contributor.affiliationotherMassachusetts Institute of Technologyen_US
dc.contributor.affiliationotherUniversity of Chicagoen_US
dc.identifier.sourceCognitive Scienceen_US
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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