Biographical Information

Dr Andrew SORS, DG Research

Andrew Sors is currently Head of Unit for Strategy and Policy in the Directorate for Social Sciences, Humanities (SSH) and Foresight of the Research Directorate General, European Commission. The Unit is currently actively contributing to the preparation of FP7, in particularly in relation to SSH, the further development of the European Research Area in SSH and to the strategic dissemination and exploitation of current and past EU level research in SSH. During the period 1999-2004, Andrew Sors was Head of the Unit "Research in the Social Sciences and Humanities", responsible for the operational implementation of EU level SSH research in FP's 4, 5 and 6.

Dr Sors' previous post was Head of the Unit for Socio-economic Environmental Research (1993-98). Since joining the EU Commission staff in 1982, he has also worked in other DG Research Units dealing with various aspects of environmental research, and in the early 1990'ies was involved in the development of research cooperation with countries of Central and Eastern Europe.

Before joining the Commission he was Deputy Director of the environmental Monitoring and Assessment Research Centre (MARC) at the University of London. This Centre undertook research for UN Agencies and Programmes on global environmental issues. Prior to this he worked as a research engineer in the chemical industry.