Biographical Information

Daniel Malkin, OECD

Daniel Malkin is Head of the Science and Technology Policy Division of the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology and Industry (DSTI). His activities focus on the assessment of OECD Member countries' S&T and innovation policies and public support to R&D; the performance and governance of Science and Innovation systems; the development and mobility of human resources in S&T; and, more generally, the contribution of science and technology to productivity and economic growth. This work leads to the formulation of recommendations to high-level officials in charge of Science and Technology in OECD countries.

Prior to his joining the OECD in 1986, Mr. Malkin held several posts in the French Administration, the last one as Head of the Industry and Technology Department of the Planning Commission.

Daniel Malkin graduated from the "École Polytechnique" in Paris . He completed his post-graduate studies as a Fulbright scholar at the University of California (Berkeley) and at the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton School).
