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Jo Labadie and His Gift to Michigan

A Legacy for the Masses

The Labadie Print Shop




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  Leon Czolgosz (1873-1901)

The Water Board Incident

  Bubbling Waters
arrow The Labadie Print Shop
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  Agnes Inglis (1870-1952)
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Special Collections Library
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor

Located in his home on Buchanan Street in Detroit, the Labadie Shop accommodated a 100-year old printing press of the sort only skilled craftspeople knew how to operate. Although Labadie planned to use the booklets he made by hand, with Sophie's help, to supplement their income, it was chiefly a labor of love. When he began writing poetry at age 50, he printed it and gave it out to his friends. He also printed essays and an edition of Jesus Was an Anarchistby Elbert Hubbard.

Later the Labadie Shop ( 186, 187) was moved to Bubbling Waters, and Jo printed more poetry there. When Sophie died in 1931, their son Laurance moved the printing press back to Buchanan Street, and Laurance continued the tradition of printing, reading and disseminating individualist anarchist literature while becoming a prolific writer himself.





