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- Creator:
- Shane, Alexander
- Description:
- This data set was created with the purpose to study the electron pitch angle distributions on dayside closed crustal fields at Mars and to compare with theoretical predictions made by numerical modeling. Analyzing the plasma environment of the crustal fields was another point of study to determine if whistler waves can interact with high energy superthermal electrons.
- Keyword:
- Mars, superthermal electron, pitch angle distribution, and crustal magnetic field
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Attari, Ali
- Description:
- Please refer to the "README.txt" for more details., MATLAB R2018a (Mathworks, Natick, MA, USA) was used to process this data., and Excel (Microsoft Office) was used to store survey data on the comfort of both systems and also to provide absolute and relative intraobserver variablities for the DM device.
- Keyword:
- Digital Manometry
- Citation to related publication:
- Comparison of anorectal function measured using wearable digital manometry and a high resolution manometry system Attari A, Chey WD, Baker JR, Ashton-Miller JA (2020) Comparison of anorectal function measured using wearable digital manometry and a high resolution manometry system. PLOS ONE 15(9): e0228761.
- Discipline:
- Engineering, Science, and Health Sciences
- Creator:
- Saylor, Kate M., Arring, Noël M., Aduse-Poku, Livingstone, Jiagge, Evelyn, Walker, Eleanor, White-Perkins, Denise, Israel, Barbara, Hinebaugh, Analise, Harb, Rayya, DeWitt, Jillian, Molnar, Maxim, Wilson-Powers, Eliza, and Brush, Barbara L.
- Description:
- The search data supports a literature review project on Strategies to Increase Black Enrollment and Retention in Cancer Clinical Trials. This dataset includes the reproducible search strategies (txt file) and the exported results of all citations from all databases (txt, ris, and.nbib files). These searches and exported result files contain all citations originating from the database searches that were considered for inclusion.
- Keyword:
- African American, Cancer, Neoplasm, clinical trials, and Minority Recruitment
- Discipline:
- Health Sciences
- Creator:
- BIRDS Lab U. Michigan
- Description:
- This dataset contains the videos used for (the "raw" motion tracking dataset), and is intended to be unpacked into the same directory tree. The data were produced for ARO W911NF-14-1-0573 "Morphologically Modulated Dynamics" and ARO MURI W911NF-17-1-0306 "From Data-Driven Operator Theoretic Schemes to Prediction, Inference, and Control of Systems" to explore the trade-offs between various oscillator coupling models in modeling multilegged locomotion. The data were also used extensively in examining multi-contact slipping, in the studying the influence of number of legs on otherwise identical locomotion patterns, and in the use of geometric mechanics models for multilegged locomotion. Folder and file names encode the meta-data, with names following an informative naming convention documented in the README.
- Keyword:
- phase, multilegged, robot, and locomotion
- Citation to related publication:
- BIRDS Lab U. Michigan. BIRDS Lab Multipod robot motion tracking data - RAW dataset [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data., Zhao, D. Ph.D. Thesis "Locomotion of low-DOF multi-legged robots" University of Michigan 2021, and Zhao, D. & Revzen, S. Multi-legged steering and slipping with low DoF hexapod robots Bioinspiration & biomimetics, 2020, 15, 045001
- Discipline:
- Science and Engineering
- Creator:
- Tye, Alexander R, Niemi, Nathan A, Safarov, Rafig T, Kadirov, Fakhraddin A, Babayev, Gulam R
- Description:
- The Eastern Greater Caucasus is a mountain belt in western Asia that formed as an accretionary prism above an active subduction zone. Because of the bedrock exposure in the range, it offers a unique opportunity to research deformation processes in accretionary prisms, which are ubiquitous above the Earth's many subduction zones but are typically submarine and difficult to investigate. The data presented here result from field geologic mapping in several swaths roughly perpendicular to the mountain range that together span the entire range across strike. The data serve will serve as the basis for inference of the deep structural architecture of the range and characterization of the styles of deformation present in the range.
- Keyword:
- structural geology, Greater Caucasus, tectonics, geologic mapping, and accretionary prism
- Citation to related publication:
- Tye, A. R., Niemi, N. A., Safarov, R. T., Kadirov, F. A., & Babayev, G. R. (2021). Sedimentary response to a collision orogeny recorded in detrital zircon provenance of Greater Caucasus foreland basin sediments. Basin Research, 33(2), 933–967.
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Allen, David N, Vandermeer, John, Dick, Christopher W, Perfecto, Ivette, and Burnham, Robyn J
- Description:
- These data are in the standard ForestGEO format. Each of the three censuses has its own text file. Within that file each row represents a stem measured in that census. Species information can be found in the species file. The personnel responsible for this work can be found in the personnel file. See the readme file for more information.
- Keyword:
- Forest ecology, Oak-hickory forest, Mesophication, and Invasive species
- Citation to related publication:
- Allen, D, CW Dick, RJ Burnham, I Perfecto, and J Vandermeer. The Michigan Big Woods research plot at the Edwin S. George Reserve, Pinckney, MI, USA. Occasional Papers of the Museum of Zoology. In review.
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Yadav, Rajeev, Widom, Julia R, Chauvier, Adrien, and Walter, Nils G
- Description:
- These data were generated to study the conformational dynamic of fluoride riboswitch as an isolated RNA and in presence of RNA polymerase at different transcript lengths.
- Keyword:
- Fluoride riboswitch, smFRET, and conformational dynamics
- Citation to related publication:
- Yadav, R., Widom, J.R., Chauvier, A. et al. An anionic ligand snap-locks a long-range interaction in a magnesium-folded riboswitch. Nat Commun 13, 207 (2022).
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Bougher, S. W. (CLaSP Department, University of Michigan)
- Description:
- The NASA MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) spacecraft, which is currently in orbit around Mars, has been taking systematic measurements of the densities and deriving temperatures in the upper atmosphere of Mars between about 140 to 240 km above the surface since late 2014. Wind measurement campaigns are also conducted once per month for 5-10 orbits. These densities, temperatures and winds change with time (e.g. solar cycle, season, local time) and location, and sometimes fluctuate quickly. Global dust storm events are also known to significantly impact these density, temperature and wind fields in the Mars thermosphere. For the current project, the inert light species helium is used to trace the circulation patterns and constrain wind magnitudes throughout the Mars thermosphere. Presently, more than 6 years of Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) measurements of helium densities have been obtained by the MAVEN team (e.g. Elrod et al., 2017; 2021; Gupta et al., 2021). Measured helium distributions are compared to simulations from a computer model of the Mars atmosphere called M-GITM (Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model), developed at U. of Michigan. Since the global circulation plays a role in the structure, variability, and evolution of the atmosphere, understanding the processes that drive the winds in the upper atmosphere of Mars also provides the needed context for understanding helium distributions and how the atmosphere behaves as a whole system. Three dimensional M-GITM simulations for the Mars four cardinal seasons (Ls = 0, 90, 180, 270, for Mars Year 33) were conducted for detailed comparisons with NGIMS helium and CO2 distributions (Gupta et al. 2021). The M-GITM datacubes used to extract these densities (plus winds) along the trajectory of each orbit path between 140 and 240 km, are provided in this Deep Blue Data archive. README files are also provided for each datacube, detailing the contents of each file. In addition, a general README file is provided that summarizes the inputs and outputs of the M-GITM code simulations for this study. Finally, a basic version of the M-GITM code can be found on Github at https:/
- Keyword:
- Mars, MAVEN Spacecraft Mission, Mars Thermosphere, Helium Density Distributions, and Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS)
- Citation to related publication:
- Gupta, N., N. V. Rao, S. W. Bougher, and M. K. Elrod, Latitudinal and Seasonal Asymmetries of the Helium Bulge in the Martian Upper Atmosphere J. Geophys. Res., 126, XXXX-XXXX. doi:10.1002/2021JEXXXXXX
- Discipline:
- Engineering and Science
- Creator:
- Vo, Thi and Glotzer, Sharon C.
- Description:
- The goal of this project is to develop a first principle driven approach for predicting the self-assembly behavior of entropically driven crystallization. We first developed a set of mean-field theoretical framework that captures the relevant energetic contributions to the assembly process and then evaluate relevant terms within our framework to determine the excess free energy of formation for each lattice (matlab/octave codes). We then validate theoretical predictions of relevant features like shape and bonding orbitals using standard MD simulations using HOOMD-Blue (simulation scripts). and This research was supported by the Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (OUSD(R&E)), Newton Award for Transformative Ideas during the COVID-19 Pandemic, Award number HQ00342010030.
- Keyword:
- Self-Assembly, Entropy, Thermodynamics, Simulations, and Theory
- Citation to related publication:
- Vo, T., & Glotzer, S. C. (2021). Microscopic Theory of Entropic Bonding for Colloidal Crystal Prediction. ArXiv:2107.02081 [Cond-Mat].
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Majeed, Tariq
- Description:
- We use our 1-D chemical diffusive model to quantify the physical processes necessary to interpret the day-side ionospheric measurements acquired with radio occultation techniques at the southern high-latitude region of Mars, where the crustal magnetic field is strong and near-vertical in orientation. To interpret the measured ionospheric structure at altitudes where plasma transport dominates, we find it is necessary to impose field-aligned vertical plasma drifts caused by the motion of neutral winds. The most interesting finding of this study is that both upward (between 110 m/s and 150 m/s) and downward (between -55 m/s and -120 m/s) drifts are required to maintain the topside Ne distribution comparable with the measured distribution. We also find that a fixed velocity boundary condition at the upper boundary with a sizeable upward ion velocity is needed to encounter any unexpected ion accumulation in the topside ionosphere to limit the Martian ion outflow. Given the complex nature of neutral dynamics and its relationship to plasma transport processes over magnetic anomalies, we consider that a simple model, such as we have developed, is still capable of yielding valuable insights relating to the neutral wind system at Mars.
- Keyword:
- Ionosphere of Mars
- Discipline:
- Science