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- Creator:
- Chen, Hongfan, Sachdeva, Nishtha, Huang, Zhenguang, van der Holst, Bart, Manchester, Ward, Jivani, Aniket, Zou, Shasha, Chen, Yang, Huan, Xun, and Toth, Gabor
- Description:
- In this study, we show that coronal mass ejection (CME) simulations conducted with the Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF) can be assimilated with SOHO LASCO white-light (WL) coronagraph observations and solar wind observations at L1 prior to the CME eruption to improve the prediction of CME arrival time. L1 observations are used to constrain the background solar wind, while LASCO coronagraph observations filter the initial ensemble simulations by constraining the simulated CME propagation speed. We then construct probabilistic predictions for CME arrival time using the data-assimilated ensemble. Scripts in this work are written in R, Python and Julia.
- Keyword:
- Data Assimilation, Uncertainty Quantification, and Space Weather
- Discipline:
- Engineering
- Creator:
- Jivani, Aniket, Sachdeva, Nishtha, Huang, Zhenguang, Chen, Yang, van der Holst, Bart, Manchester, Ward, Iong, Daniel, Chen, Hongfan, Zou, Shasha, Huan, Xun, and Toth, Gabor
- Description:
- In this work, we perform Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) for the background solar wind in order to quantify contributions from uncertainty of different model parameters to the variability of in-situ solar wind speed and density at 1au, both of which have a major impact on CME propagation and strength. Scripts written in the Julia language are used to build the PCE and calculate the sensitivity results. Data is available in csv, NetCDF and JLD files. A `Project.toml` file is included to activate and install all required dependencies (See README for details).
- Keyword:
- Uncertainty Quantification, Space Weather, and Global Sensitivity Analysis
- Discipline:
- Engineering
- Creator:
- Whitaker, Steven T., Nataraj, Gopal, Nielsen, Jon-Fredrik, and Fessler, Jeffrey A.
- Description:
- File: P,jf06Sep2019,mese.7 The multi-echo spin echo (MESE) data was acquired using a 3D acquisition with an initial 90 degree excitation pulse followed by 32 refocusing (180 degree) pulses, resulting in 32 echoes with echo spacing of 10 ms. The repetition time of the sequence was 1200 ms. Each refocusing pulse was flanked by crusher gradients to impart 14 cycles of phase across the imaging volume. The initial excitation pulse had time-bandwidth product of 6, duration of 3 ms, and slab thickness of 0.9 cm, and each refocusing pulse had time-bandwidth product of 2, duration of 2 ms, and slab thickness of 2.1 cm. The scan took 36 min 11 s and covered a field of view (FOV) of 22 x 22 x 0.99 cm^3 with matrix size 200 x 200 x 9., File: P,jf06Sep2019,b1.7 The Bloch-Siegert (BS) scans were acquired using a 3D acquisition. The excitation pulse of these scans had time-bandwidth product of 8 and duration of 1 ms. The pair of scans used +/-4 kHz off-resonant Fermi pulses between excitation and readout. The BS scans took 2 min 40 s in total and covered a FOV of 22 x 22 x 0.99 cm^3 with matrix size 200 x 50 x 9., File: P,jf06Sep2019,mwf.7 The small-tip fast recovery (STFR) scans were acquired using a 3D acquisition. The first two and last two scans were pairs of spoiled gradient-recalled echo (SPGR) scans with echo time difference of 2.3 ms. (In the related paper, only the first set was used, i.e., only 11 of the 13 scans were used.) The remaining scans used scan parameters that were optimized to minimize the Cramer-Rao Lower Bound (CRLB) of estimates of myelin water fraction (MWF). The RF pulses had time-bandwidth product of 8 and duration of 1 ms. Each pair of SPGR scans took 58 s and the nine STFR scans took 3 min 36 s for a total scan time of 5 min 32 s (4 min 34 s if one pair of SPGR scans is ignored). The scans covered a field of view (FOV) of 22 x 22 x 0.99 cm^3 with matrix size 200 x 200 x 9., File: meseslice5.mat Contains the 32 echoes of the MESE image data for the middle slice of the imaging volume. Saved using Mathworks MATLAB R2019a., File: b1slice5.mat Contains the transmit field inhomogeneity map for the middle slice of the imaging volume., File: recon.jld Key "img" contains the 11 STFR images for the middle slice of the imaging volume. Key "b0map" contains a field map estimated from the two SPGR scans. Key "mask" contains a mask of the voxels for which to estimate MWF. Key "T1img" contains a T1-weighted image for anatomical reference., File: headmask.mat Contains a mask for visualizing just the brain (ignores the skull) for the middle slice of the imaging volume., File: rois.mat Contains masks for various regions of interest (ROIs), used for computing statistics. Keys "mtopleft", "mtopright", "mbottomleft", and "mbottomright" refer to the corresponding locations on the anatomical reference image (see related paper). Key "mic" refers to the internal capsules, and key "mgm" refers to a gray matter ROI., The raw data files (P-files) can be read into the Julia programming language using the Julia version of the Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox ( or into MATLAB using TOPPE ( The reconstructed slices used in the related paper are provided for convenience, and are stored in .mat files that can be loaded into Julia (using the package MAT.jl) or MATLAB, and a .jld file that can be loaded into Julia (using the package JLD.jl). The Julia code for processing the data to create MWF maps is hosted publicly on GitHub at, and Files: and are archived versions of the TOPPE and Michigan Image Reconstruction Toolbox code sets from GitHub as of 2/28/2020.
- Keyword:
- myelin, machine learning, kernel learning, magnetic resonance imaging, and scan design
- Citation to related publication:
- Whitaker, S. T., Nataraj, G., Nielsen, J.-F., & Fessler, J. A. (2020). Myelin water fraction estimation using small-tip fast recovery MRI. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 84(4), 1977–1990.
- Discipline:
- Health Sciences and Engineering
- Creator:
- Zhou, Hongyang
- Description:
- The largest moon in the solar system, Ganymede, is the only moon known to possess a strong intrinsic magnetic field and a corresponding magnetosphere. Using the latest version of Space Weather Modeling Framework (SWMF), we study the upstream plasma interactions and dynamics in this sub-Alfvenic system. Results from the Hall MHD and the coupled MHD with embedded Particle-in-Cell (MHD-EPIC) models are compared. We find that under steady upstream conditions, magnetopause reconnection occurs in a non-steady manner. Flux ropes of Ganymede's radius in length form on the magnetopause at a rate about 2/minute and create spatiotemporal variations in plasma and field properties. Upon reaching proper grid resolutions, the MHD-EPIC model can resolve both electron and ion kinetics at the magnetopause and show localized non-gyrotropic behavior inside the diffusion region. The estimated global reconnection rate from the models is about 80 kV with 60% efficiency, and there is weak evidence of about 1 minute periodicity in the temporal variations due to the dynamic reconnection process.
- Keyword:
- MHD, PIC, Ganymede, and magnetosphere
- Citation to related publication:
- Zhou, H., Tóth, G., Jia, X., & Chen, Y. (2020). Reconnection-Driven Dynamics at Ganymede’s Upstream Magnetosphere: 3-D Global Hall MHD and MHD-EPIC Simulations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 125(8), e2020JA028162.
- Discipline:
- Science