This data repository includes the quantitative features of high frequency, intracranial EEG along with all necessary scripts to reproduce the figures of the accompanying manuscript.
Penner, J. E., Zhou, C., Garnier, A., & Mitchell, D. L. (2018). Anthropogenic aerosol indirect effects in cirrus clouds. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres,123, 11,652–11,677.
This data is part of a large program to translate detection and interpretation of HFOs into clinical use. A zip file is included which contains hfo detections, metadata, and Matlab scripts. The matlab scripts analyze this input data and produce figures as in the referenced paper (note: the blind source separation method is stochastic, and so the figures may not be exactly the same). A file "README.txt" provides more detail about each individual file within the zip file.
Stephen V. Gliske, Zachary T. Irwin, Cynthia Chestek, Garnett L. Hegeman, Benjamin Brinkmann, Oren Sagher, Hugh J. L. Garton, Greg A. Worrell, William C. Stacey. "Variability in the location of High Frequency Oscillations during prolonged intracranial EEG recordings." Nature Communications.
This data and scripts are meant to test and show seizure differentiation based on bifurcation theory. A zip file is included which contains real and simulated seizure waveforms, Matlab scripts, and metadata. The matlab scripts allow for visual review validation and objective feature analysis. The file “README.txt” provides more detail about each individual file within the zip file. and Data citation: Crisp, D.N., Saggio, M.L., Scott, J., Stacey, W.C., Nakatani, M., Gliske, S.F., Lin, J. (2019). Epidynamics: Navigating the map of seizure dynamics - Code & Data [Data set]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository.
Saggio, M.L., Crisp, D., Scott, J., Karoly, P.J., Kuhlmann, L., Nakatani, M., Murai, T., Dümpelmann, M., Schulze-Bonhage, A., Ikeda, A., Cook, M., Gliske, S.V., Lin, J., Bernard, C., Jirsa, V., Stacey, W., 2020. In pre-print. Epidynamics characterize and navigate the map of seizure dynamics. bioRxiv 2020.02.08.940072.