Data are contained in an Excel spreadsheet formatted such that each row is a separate participant and each column is a separate question. This file is called: EbyEtAl-TransportCaregiver. A data dictionary that gives the text for each question and the response categories mappings is contained in another Excel Spreadsheet. This file is called: EbyEtAl-TransportCaregiverDictionary. The text of the survey, the development of weights, and response rate calculations can be found in the Deep Blue report discussed previously.
Eby, D.W., Molnar, L.J., Kostyniuk, L.P., St. Louis, R.M., & Zanier, N. (2011). Recommendations for Meeting the Needs of Michigan’s Aging Population. Report No. RC-1562. Lansing, MI: Michigan Department of Transportation. This report can be found on Deep Blue: