This dataset contains a typical example of Seq-Scope dataset that investigators would generate after examining the initial sequence data. If the quality of the initial Seq-Scope dataset looks great, one may decide to sequence the library much more deeply to maximize the information content. (see NovaScope tutorial at for more details).
The spatial barcode sequences and the initial version of the sequenced cDNA library are deposited separate repository, which is described in the NovaScope documentation ( This data repository contains a deeper sequencing of the same library. A shallower version of sequencing, which does not have overlapping data with the current repository can be found at
Yongsung Kim, Weiqiu Cheng, Chun-Seok Cho, Yongha Hwang, Yichen Si, Anna Park, Mitchell Schrank, Jer-En Hsu, Jingyue Xi, Myungjin Kim, Ellen Pedersen, Olivia I. Koues, Thomas Wilson, Goo Jun, Hyun Min Kang2, Jun Hee Lee, “Seq-Scope Protocol: Repurposing Illumina Sequencing Flow Cells for High-Resolution Spatial Transcriptomics” (submitted)