Nighttime and diurnal surveys in the lowland Peruvian Amazon of Los Amigos Biological Station were conducted in order to describe herpetological diversity at this site. As a result of these surveys, the predation event between a Pamphobeteus sp. and Marmosops sp. and the myiasis of Ranitomeye uakarii were observed. The video footage was recorded in order to document these interesting interactions between arthropod predators and parasites and vertebrate prey and hosts, and are included for publication in the short communication "Ecological interactions between arthropods and small vertebrates in a lowland Amazon rainforest" in the journal Amphibian and Reptile Conservation.
von May R, Biggi E, Cárdenas H, Diaz MI, Alarcón C, Herrera V, Santa-Cruz R, Tomasinelli F, Westeen E, Sánchez-Paredes CM, Larson JG, Title PO, Grundler MR, Grundler MC, Davis Rabosky AR, Rabosky DL (2019) Ecological interactions between arthropods and small vertebrates in a lowland Amazon rainforest. Amphibian and Reptile Conservation 13(1): 65–77.[General_Section]_65-77_e169_high_res.pdf