Studying the effect of wind on urban air mobility typically requires comprehensive fluid dynamics simulations in a realistic urban geometry. Motivated to enable wide-spread autonomous drone activity in urban centers, such studies have indeed been considered by several authors in the recent literature. However, the accessibility of these approaches to those with less fluid dynamics experience and/or without access to purpose built simulation tools has limited validation and application of the resulting path planning strategies. and The .dat files contain the flow variables for each of the 402240 points sampled from the region under study. For flow visualization purposes, the .dat files are readable using Tecplot Software.
Baskar, D., & Gorodetsky, A. (2020). A Simulated Wind-field Dataset for Testing Energy Efficient Path-Planning Algorithms for UAVs in Urban Environment. In AIAA AVIATION 2020 FORUM. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.