This is the experimental data referenced in our manuscript entitled "Influence of CUREs on STEM retention depends on demographic identities." The dataset comprises csv files with results from student surveys given to students enrolled in Biology 173 from Fall 2015 through Fall 2019 as well as institutional data of their course grades and cumulative GPA at the time they enrolled in Biology 173, and graduation and major data for student who had graduated by 2021. The survey questions used in the analysis and the IRB consent form are also included as pdfs.
Bradshaw, L., Vernon J., Schmidt T., James T., Zhang J., Archbold H., Cadigan K., Wolfe J.P. & Goldberg D. 2023. Research article: Influence of CUREs on STEM retention depends on demographic identities. J Microbiol Biol Educ (accepted)
PedX is a large-scale multi-modal collection of pedestrians at complex urban intersections. The dataset provides high-resolution stereo images and LiDAR data with manual 2D and automatic 3D annotations. The data was captured using two pairs of stereo cameras and four Velodyne LiDAR sensors.
The items in this bundle are supporting videos to a study of subsea seismo-acoustics carried out regarding an earthquake in the Persian Gulf. The main data used in the study is a diver's recording of the acoustic waves from the earthquake. The epicenter and topography data used in this study are publicly available as cited in the README.txt file.