The dataset represents the complete, reproducible search strategies for all literature databases searched during the systematic review. The Endnote file and the Endnote import files contain all citations considered for inclusion in the review.
Smothers, Zachary MBS; Reynolds, Victoria PharmD; McEachern, Mark MLIS; Derouin, Anne L. DNP, RN, CPNP, FAANP; Carter, Brigit M. PhD, RN, CCRN; Muzyk, Andrew PharmD Substance Use Education in Schools of Nursing, Nurse Educator: May/June 2018 - Volume 43 - Issue 3 - p 136-139. and
The search data supports a literature review project on counting interventions to reduce the incidence of retained surgical instruments. The data included in the dataset are the reproducible search strategies (txt file) and the exported results of all citations from all databases (txt, ris, and.nbib files). These searches and exported result files contain all citations originating from the database searches that were considered for inclusion.