This dataset presents stable isotope data (d13C, d18O, D47, D17O) from Holocene lake cores from three lakes in the Peruvian Andes (Lakes Junin, Pumacocha, and Mehcocha). We also present new radiocarbon (14C) data and core age models for Lakes Junin and Mehcocha. We use these data to explore trends in lake water temperatures and evaporative state (i.e., water balance) over the Holocene. Our clumped isotope (D47) results suggest lake water temperatures at all three lakes were stable over the Holocene and similar to present day lake temperatures. Our triple oxygen isotope (D’17O) results illustrate that lake water balance at all three lakes was variable over the Holocene and tracks changes in austral summertime insolation, suggesting a connection between central Andean water balance and the South American summer monsoon (SASM).
Katz, S.A., Levin, N.E., Abbott, M.B., Rodbell, D.T., Passey, B.H., DeLuca, N.M., Larsen, D.J., Woods, A. "Holocene temperature and water stress in the Peruvian Andes: insights from lake carbonate clumped and triple oxygen isotopes," in review. and Katz, S.A., (2024) Andean interglacial climate and hydrology over the last 650,000 years. [PhD Thesis, University of Michigan]