This work was collected to evaluate Stability Basins for characterizing the limits of human stability during Sit-to-Stand. and MATLAB code was used to process the data into individual trials. Trials are labeled by Sit-to-Stand type (Natural, Momentum-Transfer, or Quasi-Static) and experimental condition. MATLAB code for analyzing the data and computing Stability Basins is provided. A GUI is provided to animate a subject's movement and display projections of the Stability Basins in the horizontal and vertical planes. and Holmes, P. D., Danforth, S. M., Fu, X.-Y., Moore, T. Y., & Vasudevan, R. (n.d.). Characterizing the limits of human stability during motion: Perturbative experiment validates a model-based approach for the Sit-to-Stand task. Royal Society Open Science, 7(1), 191410.