This dataset contains the results of a survey about professional quality of life for individuals working in animal research facilities. The survey included questions about professional quality of life, job satisfaction, retention, and other factors influencing compassion fatigue resiliency. Data was collected via Qualtrics survey as described in the methodology section. This dataset is associated with the following publication, accepted by PLOS One: PONE-D-23-17551R2 Professional quality of life in animal research personnel is linked to retention & job satisfaction: A mixed-methods cross-sectional survey on compassion fatigue in the USA by Lauren Young, Fabienne Ferrari, Lisa Kelly, Tara Martin, Sally Thompson-Iritani, and Megan R LaFollette
PONE-D-23-17551R2 Professional quality of life in animal research personnel is linked to retention & job satisfaction: A mixed-methods cross-sectional survey on compassion fatigue in the USA by Lauren Young, Fabienne Ferrari, Lisa Kelly, Tara Martin, Sally Thompson-Iritani, and Megan R LaFollette