The Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite, CRRES, was a joint program of NASA and the Department of Defense launched in July of 1990. The spacecraft was placed in a highly elliptical orbit and conducted uniqely active experiments involving the release of chemicals at various locations where the complex interactions between solar radiation and the fields and particles in Earth's magnetosphere could be observed. Roger R. Anderson of The University of Iowa was the PI of the Plasma Wave Experiment on CRRES which was part of the Air Force Geophysics Laboratory's SPACERAD project.
Sheeley, B. W., M. B. Moldwin, H. K. Rassoul, and R. R. Anderson (2001), An empirical plasmasphere and trough density model: CRRES observations, J. Geophys. Res., 106(A11), 25631–25641, doi:10.1029/2000JA000286.
The database was constructed by using the archived monthly newsletters of SPA and SPD. Duplicate job ads (those in both data sets and those posted over multiple months) were eliminated. The comma delimited raw data files of the job postings and the compilation of the numbers by year and job type and provided. A summary of the results is deposited in Deep Blue Documents.
Tab delimited file containing the records of all papers published in JGR-Space Physics in 2012. The records were pulled from Thomsen-Reuters ISI-Web-of-Science on June 3, 2016 including citations. Gender was identified independently by the creator of the file.
Moldwin, M. B., & Liemohn, M. W. (2018). High‐citation papers in space physics: examination of gender, country, and paper characteristics. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123.