Many data sets come as point patterns of the form (longitude, latitude, time, magnitude). The examples of data sets in this format includes tornado events, origins/destination of internet flows, earthquakes, terrorist attacks and etc. It is difficult to visualize the data with simple plotting. This research project studies and implements non-parametric kernel smoothing in Python as a way of visualizing the intensity of point patterns in space and time. A two-dimensional grid M with size mx, my is used to store the calculation result for the kernel smoothing of each grid points. The heat-map in Python then uses the grid to plot the resulting images on a map where the resolution is determined by mx and my. The resulting images also depend on a spatial and a temporal smoothing parameters, which control the resolution (smoothness) of the figure. The Python code is applied to visualize over 56,000 tornado landings in the continental U.S. from the period 1950 - 2014. The magnitudes of the tornado are based on Fujita scale.
The rapid increases in solar wind dynamic pressure, termed sudden impulses (SIs), compress Earth’s dayside magnetosphere and strongly perturb the coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere (M-I) system. The compression of the dayside magnetosphere launches magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) waves, which propagate down to the ionosphere, changing the Auroral Field Aligned Currents (FACs), and into nightside magnetosphere. The global response to the compression front sweeping through the coupled system is not yet fully understood due to the sparseness of the measurements, especially those with the necessary time resolution to resolve the propagating disturbances. That’s why a study including modeling is necessary. On 15 August 2015 at 7.44 UT, Advanced Composition Explorer measured a sudden increase in the solar wind dynamic pressure from 1.11 nPa to 2.55 nPa as shown in Figure-1.
We use the magnetospheric spacecraft in the equatorial magnetosphere to identify the signatures of magnetosphere response to this SI event and examine the interaction of the propagating disturbances with the M-I system. With the increased time resolution of Active Magnetosphere and Polar Electrodynamics Response Experiment (AMPERE), the FAC pattern and intensity change due to SI can also be studied in more depth. We further use measurements from ground based magnetometer stations to increase our tracking capability for the disturbances in the ionosphere and to improve our understanding of their propagation characteristics. This is the first step in a comprehensive multi-point observation and a global magnetohydrodynamic simulation based investigation of the response of the coupled M-I system to sudden impulses.
Citation to related publication:
Ozturk, Doga & Zou, Shasha & Slavin, James. (2016). The Response of the Coupled Magnetosphere-Ionosphere System to the 15 August 2015 Solar Wind Dynamic Pressure Enhancement.
Raw data and analysis files for the figures corresponding to the manuscript submission entitled "CCL2 enhances macrophage inflammatory responses via miR-9 mediated downregulation of the ERK1/2 phosphatase Dusp6"
The files include an Excel file with the x-, y-, and z- coordinates that make up the nodal coordinates for a surface model of small (5th percentle) female pelvis geometry, the finite element model (.k file) that represents the nodal coordinates, and two surface files that represent the geometry (.obj and .ply).
Citation to related publication:
Katelyn F. Klein, Matthew P. Reed, and Jonathan D. Rupp. "Development of Geometric Specifications for the Pelvis of a Small Female Anthropomorphic Test Device." IRCOBI Conference 2016, IRC-16-79.
As discussion and debates on the digital humanities continue among scholars, so too does discussion about how academic libraries can and should support this scholarship. Through interviews with digital humanities scholars and academic librarians within the Center for Institutional Cooperation, this study aims to explore some points of common perspective and underlying tensions in research relationships. Qualitative interviews revealed that, while both groups are enthusiastic about the future of faculty-librarian collaboration on digital scholarship, there remain certain tensions about the role of the library and the librarian. Scholars appreciate the specialized expertise of librarians, especially in metadata and special collections, but they can take a more active stance in utilizing current library resources or vocalizing their needs for other resources. This expertise and these services can be leveraged to make the library an active and equal partner in research. Additionally, libraries should address internal issues, such as training and re-skilling librarians as necessary; better-coordinated outreach to academic departments is also needed.
Alexander, Robert L., Sile O’Modhrain, D. Aaron Roberts, Jason A. Gilbert, and Thomas H. Zurbuchen. “The Bird’s Ear View of Space Physics: Audification as a Tool for the Spectral Analysis of Time Series Data.” Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 119, no. 7 (2014): 5259–71.