The dataset includes all citations considered for inclusion in the systematic review. The citations are accessible in Endnote (enlx), as well as through the primary citation export files from each database. The literature search strategies are included for reproducibility and transparency purposes. See the published methods for more information.
DeLong MR, Tandon VJ, Farajzadeh M, Berlin NL, MacEachern MP, Rudkin GH, Da Lio AL, Cederna PS. (2019). Systematic review of the impact of acellular dermal matrix on aesthetics and patient satisfaction in tissue expander-to-implant breast reconstructions. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. and
The data was used to calibrate and simulate pattern recognition algorithms for the following publication: Surgically Implanted Electrodes Enable Real-Time Finger and Grasp Pattern Recognition for Prosthetic Hands (medRxiv 2020, IEEE TRO in review). Each data file is named as follows Px_PostureSet.csv. Where Px is the patient number. The 1 of 10 posture set contains individual finger and intrinsic thumb movements, the grasps posture set contains a fewer number of combined finger movements. P1’s calibration data for individual fingers is labelled 1 of 12 because it also includes two grasps, which were removed for analysis in the publication. The first column of each .csv file is the experiment time in seconds. The second column is the posture of the cue hand at that timestamp. The rest of the columns are the raw EMG data in microvolts sampled at 30KSps. A legend of the movement postures, each patients EMG channels, and suggested signal processing and filtering is included in DataLabellingAndProcessing.pdf
Surgically Implanted Electrodes Enable Real-Time Finger and Grasp Pattern Recognition for Prosthetic Hands A. K. Vaskov, P. P. Vu, N. North, A. J. Davis, T. A. Kung, D. H. Gates, P. S. Cederna, C. A. Chestek medRxiv 2020.10.28.20217273; doi: