Our research focuses on providing a fully-imputed map of the worldwide total electron content with high resolution and spatial-temporal smoothness. We fill in the missing values of the original Madrigal TEC maps via estimating the latent feature of each latitude and local time along the 2-D grid and give initial guess of the missing regions based on pre-computed spherical harmonics map. The resulting TEC map has high imputation accuracy and the ease of reproducing.
All data are in HDF5 format and are easy to read using the h5py package in Python. The TEC map is grouped in folders based on years and each file contains a single-day data of 5-min cadence. Each individual TEC map is of size 181*361. and WARNING: 2023-12-01 the data file for 2019-Jan-03 has badly fitted values. Please avoid using it. All other days' files are ready to use.
Sun, H., Hua, Z., Ren, J., Zou, S., Sun, Y., & Chen, Y. (2022). Matrix completion methods for the total electron content video reconstruction. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 16(3), 1333-1358., Sun, H., Chen, Y., Zou, S., Ren, J., Chang, Y., Wang, Z., & Coster, A. (2023). Complete Global Total Electron Content Map Dataset based on a Video Imputation Algorithm VISTA. Scientific Data, in press., and Zou, S., Ren, J., Wang, Z., Sun, H., & Chen, Y. (2021). Impact of storm-enhanced density (SED) on ion upflow fluxes during geomagnetic storm. Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences, 8, 746429.
In this work, we perform Global Sensitivity Analysis (GSA) for the background solar wind in order to quantify contributions from uncertainty of different model parameters to the variability of in-situ solar wind speed and density at 1au, both of which have a major impact on CME propagation and strength. Scripts written in the Julia language are used to build the PCE and calculate the sensitivity results. Data is available in csv, NetCDF and JLD files. A `Project.toml` file is included to activate and install all required dependencies (See README for details).