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- Creator:
- Brang, David and Karthik, Ganesan
- Description:
- Data were acquired from 21 patients with intractable epilepsy undergoing clinical evaluation using iEEG. Patients ranged in age from 15-58 years (mean = 37.1, SD = 12.8) and included 10 females. Across all patients, data was recorded from a total of 1367 electrodes. Each participant were presented with multiple trials of auditory only and congruent audio-visual stimuli. On each trial a single phoneme was presented to the participant. Three variants of the tasks were used with each variant consisting of a different set of phonemes (variant A: /ba/ /da/ /ta/ /tha/, variant B: /ba/ /da/ /ga/, variant C: /ba/ /ga/ /ka/ /pa/). Trials were presented in a random order and phonemes were distributed uniformly across conditions. While conditions were matched in terms of trial numbers, participants completed a variable number of trials (based on task variant and the number of blocks completed). All provided data has been resampled to 1024 Hz during initial stages of processing for all participants. Data has been referenced in a bipolar fashion (signals subtracted from each immediately adjacent electrode in a pairwise manner) to ensure that the observed signals were derived from maximally local neuronal populations. The preprocessing steps followed have been described in the detailed description document in the attached materials. and The dataset zip folder consists of three main sub-folders: 1) Electrodes: This folder provides details regarding the individual electrodes for each subject, their MNI coordinates as well as their MNI vertices information according to freesurfer parcellations. This folder also consists of images of the physical location of each of the electrode sets. 2) Processed: This folder contains preprocessed data in all three frequencies (theta, beta and high gamma power) for individual subjects and the corresponding vertex locations for each of the electrodes from which their data was recorded. The images subfolder also contains figures provided in the main manuscript. 3) MatlabCodes: This folder contains all the matlab scripts required to reproduce the results provided in the main manuscript. LME_AvsAV_Main_Windows.m is the main file that an user has to run to reproduce the results.
- Keyword:
- Cognitive Neuroscience, Neuroscience, Perception, and Mixed Effects Models
- Citation to related publication:
- Ganesan, K., Plass, J., Beltz, A. M., Liu, Z., Grabowecky, M., Suzuki, S., ... & Brang, D. (2020). Visual speech differentially modulates beta, theta, and high gamma bands in auditory cortex. bioRxiv.
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Amir Salaree
- Description:
- We carry out a set of exploratory numerical experiments based on ocean bottom pressure and seismic data from a simulated linear array of SMART (Scientific Monitoring And Reliable Telecommunication) cable stations off the trench in the Sumatra-Java region. We use a set of earthquake rupture as well as submarine landslide scenarios to calculate tsunami propagation via hydrodynamic simulations. We also investigate the contribution of SMART stations to improvement of earthquake early warning by calculating the arrival times of seismic phases. Existing telecom cables can also contribute to the SMART network, if they are equipped with scientific sensors and repeaters. In this study we use the MOST (Method of Splitting Tsunami; Titov et al, 2016) to simulate tsunamis, and the TauP toolkit (Crotwell et al, 1999) to calculate seismic arrival times. This study was supported by grants from National Science Foundation (PREEVENTS geosciences directorate No. 1663769) and NASA JPL (Award NNN13D462T). - Crotwell, H.P., Owens, T.J. and Ritsema, J., 1999. The TauP Toolkit: Flexible seismic travel-time and ray-path utilities. Seismological Research Letters, 70(2), pp.154-160. Titov, V., Kânoğlu, U. and Synolakis, C.E., 2016, Development of MOST for real-time tsunami forecasting. J Waterw Port Coast Ocean Eng 142:03116004-1–03116004-16
- Keyword:
- SMART Cables, Tsunami, Earthquake, Landslide, Early Warning, Indian Ocean, Indonesia, Sumatra, Java, and Simulation
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Salaree, Amir
- Description:
- Study of the effect of various rupture scenarios in Cascadia on tsunami hazard
- Keyword:
- Earthquake, Tsunami, Simulation, and Bathymetry
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Ramos, Marlon D., Yihe, H., Ulrich, T., Gabriel, A. A., and Thomas, A.
- Description:
- This study used three-dimensional, dynamic earthquake simulations to investigate how stress and friction levels on the Cascadia megathrust fault influence the final earthquake size and coastal subsidence patterns from the 1700 A.D. earthquake.
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Moldwin, Mark B. and O'Brien, Paul
- Description:
- A new empirical model of the plasmapause location has been developed using density data from the plasma wave receiver onboard the CRRES spacecraft for nearly 1000 orbits. The “plasmapause” is identified here as the innermost sharp gradient in density (change of a factor of 5 in <0.5 L). Such a sharp gradient was observed on 73% of the CRRES inbound and outbound orbits that returned data. The plasmapause location is expressed as a linear function of Kp (previous 12 hour maximum) and local time. The model gives the linear best fit location of the plasmapause as well as the standard deviations of the model parameters.
- Keyword:
- Plasmapause and Plasmasphere
- Citation to related publication:
- Moldwin, M. B., Downward, L., Rassoul, H. K., Amin, R., and Anderson, R. R. (2002), A new model of the location of the plasmapause: CRRES results, J. Geophys. Res., 107( A11), 1339, doi:10.1029/2001JA009211 and O'Brien, T. P., and Moldwin, M. B. (2003), Empirical plasmapause models from magnetic indices, Geophys. Res. Lett., 30, 4, 1152. doi:10.1029/2002GL016007
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Zhang, Yizhen
- Description:
- We collected hours of functional magnetic resonance imaging data from human subjects listening to natural stories. We developed a predictive model of the voxel-wise response and further applied it to thousands of new words to understand how the brain stores and connects different concepts. and This is a dataset for the paper: Zhang, Y., Han, K., Worth, R., & Liu, Z. (2020). Connecting concepts in the brain by mapping cortical representations of semantic relations. Nature communications, 11(1), 1-13. This project is also documented at
- Keyword:
- fMRI, natural story comprehension, neural encoding, semantic processing, word relations, and naturalistic stimuli
- Citation to related publication:
- Zhang, Y., Han, K., Worth, R., & Liu, Z. (2020). Connecting concepts in the brain by mapping cortical representations of semantic relations. Nature communications, 11(1), 1-13.
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Nunley, Hayden, Nagashima, Mikiko, Martin, Kamirah, Lorenzo Gonzalez, Alcides, Suzuki, Sachihiro C., Norton, Declan A., Wong, Rachel O. L., Raymond, Pamela A., and Lubensky, David K.
- Description:
- This dataset includes an example cell packing (containing ~20,000 cells). This example cell packing is the same cell packing in Supplementary Figure 11. The Corson_PBC_Square_Sweep_func.m is the main function for simulating lateral inhibition on this (and other) example packings. Please see readme for which simulation parameters may be tuned within this lateral inhibition function.
- Keyword:
- tissue patterning, lateral inhibition, and topological defect
- Citation to related publication:
- Nunley, H., Nagashima, M., Martin, K., Gonzalez, A. L., Suzuki, S. C., Norton, D. A., Wong, R. O. L., Raymond, P. A., & Lubensky, D. K. (2020). Defect patterns on the curved surface of fish retinae suggest a mechanism of cone mosaic formation. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(12), e1008437. , Corson F, Couturier L, Rouault H, Mazouni K, Schweisguth F. Self-organized Notch dynamics generate stereotyped sensory organ patterns in Drosophila. Science. 2017 May 5;356(6337):eaai7407. doi: 10.1126/science.aai7407. Epub 2017 Apr 6. PMID: 28386027., and Hayden Nunley, Mikiko Nagashima, Kamirah Martin, Alcides Lorenzo Gonzalez, Sachihiro C. Suzuki, Declan Norton, Rachel O. L. Wong, Pamela A. Raymond, David K. Lubensky. Defect patterns on the curved surface of fish retinae suggest mechanism of cone mosaic formation. bioRxiv 806679; doi:
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Nunley, Hayden, Nagashima, Mikiko, Martin, Kamirah, Lorenzo Gonzalez, Alcides, Suzuki, Sachihiro C., Norton, Declan A., Wong, Rachel O. L., Raymond, Pamela A., and Lubensky, David K.
- Description:
- The most important part of this deposit is the code necessary for simulating the anisotropic phase-field crystal on a cone geometry. The second most important is the code for analyzing the simulation results, including the spatial distribution of Y-junctions in the simulated retinae. Included are simulation results in which we systematically scan both the undercooling parameters and the strength of noise in the initial conditions. Finally, we include an additional simulation example (as in Figure 7D). Please see readme file for description of main (MATLAB) functions used for simulating and analyzing simulations.
- Keyword:
- zebrafish cone mosaic, topological defects, grain boundaries, and phase-field crystal model
- Citation to related publication:
- Nunley, H., Nagashima, M., Martin, K., Gonzalez, A. L., Suzuki, S. C., Norton, D. A., Wong, R. O. L., Raymond, P. A., & Lubensky, D. K. (2020). Defect patterns on the curved surface of fish retinae suggest a mechanism of cone mosaic formation. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(12), e1008437. and Defect patterns on the curved surface of fish retinae suggest mechanism of cone mosaic formation Hayden Nunley, Mikiko Nagashima, Kamirah Martin, Alcides Lorenzo Gonzalez, Sachihiro C. Suzuki, Declan Norton, Rachel O. L. Wong, Pamela A. Raymond, David K. Lubensky bioRxiv 806679; doi:
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Nunley, Hayden, Nagashima, Mikiko, Martin, Kamirah, Lorenzo Gonzalez, Alcides, Suzuki, Sachihiro C., Norton, Declan A., Wong, Rachel O. L., Raymond, Pamela A., and Lubensky, David K.
- Description:
- This dataset contains images of dissected and fixed retinae in which cones of specific subtypes are labeled either by transgenic expression of a fluorescent reporter or by antibody staining (Figures 1 and 2 and 6A and Supplementary Figure 7A). This dataset also contains images of dissected and fixed retinae in ZO1 is immunostained (Figure 6C-E and Supplementary Figure 7B). Please see the readme file for which files correspond to which figures.
- Keyword:
- zebrafish cone mosaic, topological defects, and tissue patterning
- Citation to related publication:
- Nunley, H., Nagashima, M., Martin, K., Gonzalez, A. L., Suzuki, S. C., Norton, D. A., Wong, R. O. L., Raymond, P. A., & Lubensky, D. K. (2020). Defect patterns on the curved surface of fish retinae suggest a mechanism of cone mosaic formation. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(12), e1008437. and Hayden Nunley, Mikiko Nagashima, Kamirah Martin, Alcides Lorenzo Gonzalez, Sachihiro C. Suzuki, Declan Norton, Rachel O. L. Wong, Pamela A. Raymond, David K. Lubensky. Defect patterns on the curved surface of fish retinae suggest mechanism of cone mosaic formation. bioRxiv 806679; doi:
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Brasch, Jonathan M, Elipot, Shane, and Arbic, Brian
- Description:
- For Drifters, HYCOM, MITgcm: Spectra and kinetic energy files. Please see readme.txt for a description of all data and code contained here. and - Compare kinetic energies (KE) of high-resolution global ocean models estimated from rotary spectra to KE in surface drifter observations. - Near-inertial KE is closer to drifter observations in models with frequently updated wind forcing - Internal tide KE is closer to drifter observations in models with topographic wave drag
- Keyword:
- oceanography, rotary spectra, kinetic energy, sea surface velocity, and drifters
- Citation to related publication:
- Elipot, S., Lumpkin, R., Perez, R. C., Lilly, J. M., Early, J. J., & Sykulski, A. M. (2016). A global surface drifter data set at hourly resolution. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 121(5), 2937–2966.
- Discipline:
- Science