These data, survey instruments (including informed consent) and analysis scripts come from Carol Moser's dissertation titled, Impulse Buying: Designing for Self-Control with E-commerce.
The data is comprised of 22 directories, each housing a .hdf file of the X-ray projections recorded during solidification of Al-Si-Cu-Sr. The flat and dark projections are also included as two separate .hdf files (total file count: 24). The raw data file is in .hdf format and can be reconstructed into .tiff, e.g., by using the TomoPy toolbox in Python.
Wang, Y., Gao, J., Ren, Y., De Andrade, V., & Shahani, A. J. (2020). Formation of a Three-Phase Spiral Structure Due to Competitive Growth of a Peritectic Phase with a Metastable Eutectic. JOM, 72(8), 2965–2973.
The editorial decision process for the Journal of Geophysics Research Space Physics is assisted by over 1,000 scientists every year, providing over 3,000 reviews per year. These statistics are presented for the years 2013 through 2018, showing some fluctuations but, overall, consistency in the response of the space physics research community to requests to serve as manuscript reviewers. Over half of these reviews are submitted on time, and the average time to review actually dropped as the load increased. This is greatly appreciated and the community is to be commended and thanked for their willingness to help make this journal thrive and remain a premiere publication in the field.
Liemohn, M. W. (2020). Editorial: Multiyear analysis of JGR Space Physics reviewing statistics. Journal of Geophysical Research Space Physics, 125, e2019JA027719.
This repository includes test instances of infinite-horizon Markov decision processes with multiple models of parameters (i.e., "Multi-model Markov decision processes"). We generated each test instance in the dataset using a Python script. The test instances can be read in using the provided C++ and Python script. See the README for details.
Crouzon FGFR2-C342Y/+ and wild type littermate pups on a C57BL/6 congenic background were injected with lentivirus expressing recombinant TNAP enzyme or phosphate buffered saline shortly after birth. Mice were euthanized 3 weeks after birth for analyses.
Nam, H. K., Vesela, I., Schutte, S. D., & Hatch, N. E. (2020). Viral delivery of tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase diminishes craniosynostosis in one of two FGFR2C342Y/+ mouse models of Crouzon syndrome. PLOS ONE, 15(5), e0234073.
The data (raw data, composite files [processed], and some images) can be read by the program TerraSurveyor. Version of the software was used to create the composite files in this deposit. and The magnetometer data was the second step in a geophysical survey program that began with magnetic susceptibility survey of a portion of the Weedon Island Preserve in St. Petersburg, Florida. Geophysical survey was used to map human occupation of the study area and to guide subsequent archaeological excavations.
Sampson, C. P. (2019) Safety Harbor at the Weeden Island Site: Late Pre-Columbian Craft, Community, and Complexity on Florida's Gulf Coast. PhD Dissertation, University of Michigan. and Sampson, Christina Perry and Timothy J. Horsley. Using Multi-Staged Magnetic Survey and Excavation to Assess Community Settlement Organization: A Case Study from the Central Peninsular Gulf Coast of Florida. Advances in Archaeological Practice. Cambridge University Press: 18 December 2019.
Files are uploaded as crystallographic information files (.cif), the standard text file format for representing crystallographic information.
These files contain the optimized molecular models for pentavalent plutonium incorporation reactions into/onto barite, anglesite, celestine, anhydrite, aragonite, and calcite host minerals.
Gebarski, B. B. and Becker, U. Quantum-Mechanical Determination of the Incorporation of Pentavalent Plutonium into Carbonate and Sulfate Minerals. (2019) Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta.
The main goal of this research was to identify potential molecular pathways that contribute to memory dysregulation and decline that persists long after illness or inflammation. We have previously established a subchronic immune challenge model that results in memory impairments months after the inflammatory challenge. This project aimed to determine whether memory impairments were accompanied by transcriptional dysregulation in memory related brain region (the hippocampus).
These data show the differential gene expression as log2fold change (and p-value) in males and females 3 months after immune challenge (Supp Tables 1 and 2); after a subsequent immune challenge (Supp Tables 3 and 4); the differential regulation of genes in males and females (Supp Table 5); genes differentially expressed in the hippocampus of males and females at baseline (Supp Table 6) and the differential regulation of those genes in males and females after immune challenge (Supp Tables 7,8).
Tchessalova, D., & Tronson, N. C. (2019). Enduring and sex-specific changes in hippocampal gene expression after a subchronic immune challenge. BioRxiv, 566570.
The Liquid Metal Battery (LMB), a promising energy-storage device that contains liquid-metal interior, is studied numerically in the paper. The metal pad roll instability was modeled based on the open-source CFD software, OpenFOAM. It's based on the solver for simulations of incompressible multiphase flows multiphaseInterFoam modified to include the electromagnetic fields and account for the sharp variations of the electrical conductivity.
Linyan Xiang (相林言) and Oleg Zikanov, “Numerical simulation of rolling pad instability in cuboid liquid metal batteries,” Physics of Fluids, vol. 31, no. 12, p. 124104, 2019, and Oleg Zikanov, "Shallow water modeling of rolling pad instability in liquid metal batteries." Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics, 32, 325–347, 2018,
The work on accelerating authenticated boot for embedded system resulted in designing an algorithm in python to perform the random address generation and cryptographic MAC calculation.
The Sampled Boot schemes implemented in this package allow a significant reduction of the time
needed to authenticate firmware images during startup, while still retaining a high degree of trust.
This is particularly useful for automotive applications in which startup time constraints make secure boot a time prohibitive process. and Citation for this dataset: Nasser, A., Gumise, W. (2019). Authenticated Boot Acceleration Algorithm [Code and data]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository.
Nasser, A., Gumise, W., and Ma, D., "Accelerated Secure Boot for Real-Time Embedded Safety Systems," SAE Int. J. Transp. Cyber. & Privacy 2(1) : 35-48, 2019,