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PDFs of Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy (AMS) radiocarbon reports, including calibration curves. Reports include sample type (e.g., charcoal, bone, sediment), date, date calibrated, standard deviation, etc.
PDFs of scans of miscellaneous documents related to a particular excavation, including, e.g., excavation forms, maps of units, and drawings of units and unit profiles.
The database for each site includes level and feature forms for each excavated unit. These forms describe each level or feature in detail, including soil color and texture, soil inclusions, artifact density, disturbances, pertinent measurements, etc.
Photos are of each level in each unit, and of features. Photos are labeled with the site number, date taken, and a ID number, e.g., S015-05262014-001 = the first photo taken on May 25, 2014 during the excavation of Zagorë. The photolog lists each photo taken of a site during excavation in order by photo number (site number, date taken, ID number), with a description.
The following works contain the databases, field notebooks, unit and profile drawings, photographs, photo descriptions, radiocarbon dates, and geophysical survey data related to the Zagorë settlement excavation.
The database for each site includes level and feature forms for each excavated unit. These forms describe each level or feature in detail, including soil color and texture, soil inclusions, artifact density, disturbances, pertinent measurements, etc.
PDFs of Accelerator Mass Spectroscopy (AMS) radiocarbon reports, including calibration curves. Reports include sample type (e.g., charcoal, bone, sediment), date, date calibrated, standard deviation, etc.
Photos are of each level in each unit, and of features. Photos are labeled with the site number, date taken, and a ID number, e.g., S015-05262014-001 = the first photo taken on May 25, 2014 during the excavation of Zagorë. The photolog lists each photo taken of a site during excavation in order by photo number (site number, date taken, ID number), with a description.
PDFs of scans of miscellaneous documents related to a particular excavation, including, e.g., excavation forms, maps of units, and drawings of units and unit profiles.