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Need language around using Deep Blue Data as a repository for your NIH data sharing plan? See Data Sharing Boilerplate
The Novel Sensors for Autonomous Vehicle Perception Collection of datasets are sequences collected with an autonomous vehicle platform including data from novel sensors. The dataset collection platform is a Ford Fusion vehicle with a roof-mounted novel sensing suite, which specifically consists of forward-facing stereo uncooled thermal cameras (FLIR 40640U050-6PAAX), event cameras (iniVation DVXplorer), monochrome cameras (FLIR BFS-PGE-16S2M), and RGB cameras (FLIR BFS-PGE-50S5C) time synchronized with ground truth poses from a high precision navigation system. Sequences include ~8 km routes, driven repeatedly under varying lighting conditions and/or opposing viewpoints. Further information and resources are available on the project website: https://umautobots.github.io/nsavp