Scan of specimen ummz:herps:83439A (EULAMPRUS TYMPANUM) - Pelvic. Raw Dataset includes 1601 TIF images (each 753 x 1817 x 1 voxel at 0.0307810777841005 mm resolution, derived from 1601 scan projections), xtek and vgi files for volume reconstruction. and Scan of specimen ummz:herps:83439A (EULAMPRUS TYMPANUM) - Pelvic. Reconstructed Dataset includes 0.030781 TIF images (each 753 x 1817 x 1 voxel at 0.030781 mm resolution, derived from 1601 scan projections), xtek and vgi files for volume reconstruction.
Scan of specimen ummz:herps:83439A (EULAMPRUS TYMPANUM) - Pectoral. Raw Dataset includes 1601 TIF images (each 744 x 1025 x 1 voxel at 0.0299168465519809 mm resolution, derived from 1601 scan projections), xtek and vgi files for volume reconstruction. and Scan of specimen ummz:herps:83439A (EULAMPRUS TYMPANUM) - Pectoral. Reconstructed Dataset includes 0.029917 TIF images (each 744 x 1025 x 1 voxel at 0.029917 mm resolution, derived from 1601 scan projections), xtek and vgi files for volume reconstruction.