Work Description

Title: Planetary-scale Wave Impacts on the Venusian Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere: Supporting Datasets for VTGCM Numerical Simulations Open Access Deposited

Attribute Value
  • These data files are in support of the publication “Planetary-scale Wave Impacts on the Venusian Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere”. The data files (NetCDF and .txt) are for the five Venus Thermospheric General Circulation Model (VTGCM) simulations used to create the figures and tables in the publication. A metadata (README.txt) file is provided to explain the contents within each data file.
  • This work examines the planetary wave-induced variability within the upper mesosphere/lower thermosphere of Venus by utilizing the Venus Thermospheric General Circulation Model (VTGCM). Rossby and Kelvin wave perturbations are driven by variations in the geopotential height of the VTGCM lower boundary (~70 km). A suite of simulations was conducted to examine the impact of the individual and combined waves propagating from two different lower boundary conditions (uniform and varying). The Kelvin wave is the more dominant wave which produces the most variability, as was shown in Hoshino et al., 2012. The combination of the Kelvin and Rossby waves provides a maximum temperature amplitude of 13 K at 92 km and maximum zonal wind amplitude of 23 m/s at 102 km. The combined waves overall are able to propagate up to 125 km. Most of the variation within the temperature, winds, and composition occurs between 70 km and 110 km. The varying lower boundary increases the magnitude of the wave deposition but weakly changes the propagation altitude. The thermal variation due to the planetary waves does not reproduce most observed variations. The simulated O2 IR nightglow emission is sensitive to the waves with respect to intensity and local time, but lacks latitudinal variation. The integrated intensity ranges from 1.2 MR to 1.65 MR and the local time ranges from 0.33 local time to 23.6 local time. Overall, planetary waves do affect the atmospheric structure, but there are still observed large variations that planetary waves alone cannot explain (i.e. thermal structure).
Contact information
Funding agency
  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)
ORSP grant number
  • AWD001558
Citations to related material
  • Brecht, A. S., Bougher, S. W., Shields, D., & Liu, H.-L. (2021). Planetary-scale wave impacts on the Venusian upper mesosphere and lower thermosphere. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 126, e2020JE006587.
Resource type
Last modified
  • 11/22/2022
  • 10/19/2020
To Cite this Work:
Bougher, S. W. (. O. M., Brecht, A. S. (. A. R. C. (2020). Planetary-scale Wave Impacts on the Venusian Upper Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere: Supporting Datasets for VTGCM Numerical Simulations [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


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Files (Count: 21; Size: 22.7 GB)

List of files:
There are 10 NetCDF files and 10 text files, two for each simulation.

The two files for each simulation, depicted by a *p* or an *s*, represents different sets of variables.
Files with *p* are the primary variables and files with *s* are secondary variables.
Furthermore, the variables are provided as .nc files and .txt files, where the .txt files are exports of the .nc files to provide another option.

Simulation description and associated files:
1. Simulation #1: Lower boundary = uniform, Wave = Rossby, Wave Geopotential Height = 10 m
c. Simulation1p.txt
d. Simulation1s.txt

2. Simulation #2: Lower boundary = uniform, Wave = Kelvin, Wave Geopotential Height = 110 m
c. Simulation2p.txt
d. Simulation2s.txt

3. Simulation #3: Lower boundary = OXLB, Wave = Rossby, Wave Geopotential Height = 10 m
c. Simulation3p.txt
d. Simulation3s.txt

4. Simulation #4: Lower boundary = OXLB, Wave = Kelvin, Wave Geopotential Height = 50 m
c. Simulation4p.txt
d. Simulation4s.txt

5. Simulation #5: Lower boundary = OXLB, Wave = Rossby + Kelvin, Wave Geopotential Height = 10/50 m
c. Simulation5p.txt
d. Simulation5s.txt

File Domain and Structure:
* Pressure (Zp) [38] = -16 - +3 by 0.5 interval
Zp = ln(Po/P); Po = 5e-6 millibar
* Altitude [38] = ~70 km to ~135 km by ~2 km interval
* Longitude [72] = -180 to 0 to +175 by 5 degree interval
* Latitude [36] = -87.5 to +87.5 by 5 degree interval
* Local Time (not provided) = 12 to 24 to 12 (corresponds with Longitude)
No seasons or axial tilt
MSO (Y=Z=0 at LON = -180 and LAT = 0)
* Model Time [304] (Simulation #1, 3, 5) = 76 Earth days at 6 hour intervals ([181,0,0] to [256, 18, 0])
* Model Time [256] (Simulation #2, 4) = 64 Earth days at 6 hour intervals ([181,0,0] to [244,18,0])
* Variables Dependent on Time: TN, UN, VN, Z, O1, O2, CO, N2, O2 IR volume emission rate, O2 IR integrated intensity

File Contents and Units:
* vtgcm_PW_simulation*
- Variables: Log pressure [lev], interface log pressure [ilev], latitude [lat], longitude [lon], model time [mtime], neutral temperature [TN],
zonal wind [UN], meridional wind [VN], geopotential height [Z], atomic oxygen [O1], dioxygen [O2], carbon monoxide [CO], dinitrogen [N2]
- Units: zp, zp, degree, degree, [day, hour, minute], kelvin, cm s-1, cm s-1, cm, mass mixing ratio, mass mixing ratio, mass mixing ratio, mass mixing ratio

* vtgcm_PW_simulation*
- Variables: Log pressure [lev], interface log pressure [ilev], latitude [lat], longitude [lon], model time [mtime], O2 IR integrated intensity [O2IRINT],
O2 IR Volume Emission Rate [O2IRVEM]
- Units: zp, zp, degree, degree, [day, hour, minute], Kilo-Rayleigh = 1.0e+9*photons*cm-2*sec-1, Log10(photons*cm-3*sec-1)

* Simulation*p.txt
- Variables: Time, log pressure, latitude, longitude, TN, UN, VN, Z, O1, O2, CO, N2
- Units: day, zp, degree, degree, K, cm s-1, cm s-1, cm, mass mixing ratio, mass mixing ratio, mass mixing ratio, mass mixing ratio
- Format: header (time) , data (time), header (log pressure), data (log pressure), header (lat), data (lat), header (lon), data (lon), header (TN),
header (UN), header (VN), header (Z), header (O1), header (O2), header (CO), header (N2), data (TN), data (UN), data (VN), data (Z), data (O1),
data (O2), data (CO), data(N2)
- Dimensions: [1,256] or [1,304], [1,38], [1,36], [1,72], [256, 98496], [256, 98496], [256, 98496] , [256, 98496] , [256, 98496] , [256, 98496] ,
[256, 98496] , [256, 98496]
- Order: Fortran-like index order, first index changing fastest and the last index changing the slowest. Example: ?(time,lev*lat*lon) [256,98496]
to (time,lev,lat,lon) [256,38,36,72]

* Simulation*s.txt
- Variables: Time, log pressure, latitude, longitude, O2 IR volume emission Rate, O2 IR integrated intensity,
- Units: day, zp, degree, degree, Kilo-Rayleigh = 1.0e+9*photons*cm-2*sec-1, Log10(photons*cm-3*sec-1)
- Format: header (time) , data (time), header (log pressure), data (log pressure), header (lat), data (lat), header (lon), data (lon), header (O2VEM),
header (O2INT), data (O2VEM), data (O2INT),
- Dimensions: [1,256] or [1,304], [1,38], [1,36], [1,72], [256, 98496], [256, 98496]
- Order: Fortran-like index order, first index changing fastest and the last index changing the slowest. Example: ?(time,lev*lat*lon) [256,98496]
to (time,lev,lat,lon) [256,38,36,72]

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