Work Description

Title: Dataset derived from 2014 National Hospital Ambulatory Care Survey - Emergency Department Open Access Deposited

Attribute Value
  • NHAMCS is an annual survey of emergency department visits.

  • SAS programs are required to read this data.
Contact information
Funding agency
  • Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Date coverage
  • 2014-01-01 to 2014-12-31
Citations to related material
  • Kue, J., & Meurer, W. (2020). Association between blood pressure, race, ethnicity and likelihood of admission to the hospital from United States emergency departments – A cross sectional study. F1000Research, 9, 1116.
Resource type
Last modified
  • 08/26/2021
  • 06/20/2020
To Cite this Work:
Kue, J., Meurer, W. (2020). Dataset derived from 2014 National Hospital Ambulatory Care Survey - Emergency Department [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


This work is not a member of any user collections.

Files (Count: 7; Size: 130 MB)

/* SAS CODEBOOK FOR 2014 NHAMCS EMERGENCY DEPARTMENT PUBLIC USE FILE INCLUDES VARIABLE LABELS AND FORMAT ASSIGNMENTS */ LABEL VMONTH="Month of Visit" VDAYR="Day of Week of Visit" ARRTIME="Arrival time (military time)" WAITTIME="Waiting time to see MD/DO/PA/NP in minutes" LOV="Length of visit in minutes" AGE="Patient age in years" AGER="Age recode" AGEDAYS="Age in days for patients less than one year" RESIDNCE="Patient residence" SEX="Patient sex" ETHUN="Unimputed ethnicity" ETHIM="Imputed ethnicity" RACEUN="Unimputed race" RACER="White/Black/Other imputed race" RACERETH="RACER and ETHNIC combination" ARREMS="Arrival by ambulance" AMBTRANSFER="Was the patient transferred from another hospital or urgent care facility?" NOPAY="No answer to expected source of payment item" PAYPRIV="Expected source of payment: Private insurance" PAYMCARE="Expected source of payment: Medicare" PAYMCAID="Expected source of payment: Medicaid or CHIP or other state-based program" PAYWKCMP="Expected source of payment: Workers Compensation" PAYSELF="Expected source of payment: Self pay" PAYNOCHG="Expected source of payment: No charge" PAYOTH="Expected source of payment: Other" PAYDK="Expected source of payment: Unknown" PAYTYPER="Recoded primary expected source of payment for visit (based on hierarchy)" TEMPF="Initial vital signs: Temperature (Fahrenheit)" PULSE="Initial vital signs: Heart rate per minute" RESPR="Initial vital signs: Respiratory rate per minute" BPSYS="Initial vital signs: Blood pressure - Systolic" BPDIAS="Initial vital signs: Blood pressure - Diastolic" POPCT="Initial vital signs: Pulse oximetry (percent)" IMMEDR="Immediacy with which patient should be seen (unimputed)" PAINSCALE="Pain scale (0-10)" SEEN72="Was patient seen in this ED within the last 72 hours and discharged?" RFV1="Patient's complaint, symptom, or other reason for visit #1 - detailed category" RFV2="Patient's complaint, symptom, or other reason for visit #2 - detailed category" RFV3="Patient's complaint, symptom, or other reason for visit #3 - detailed category" RFV4="Patient's complaint, symptom, or other reason for visit #4 - detailed category" RFV5="Patient's complaint, symptom, or other reason for visit #5 - detailed category" EPISODE="Episode of care" INJURY="Is visit related to an injury/trauma, overdose, poisoning, or adverse effect of medical treatment? - Recoded from INJPOISAD" INJR1="Is visit related to injury or poisoning - recode #1" INJR2="Is visit related to injury or poisoning - recode #2" INJPOISAD="Is visit related to injury, poisoning or adverse effect of medical treatment? Uses new item format for 2012" INJPOISADR1="Is visit related to injury, poisoning or adverse effect of medical treatment? - recode #1" INJPOISADR2="Is visit related to injury, poisoning or adverse effect of medical treatment? - recode #2" INJURY72="Did the injury/trauma, overdose, or poisoning occur within 72 hours prior to the date and time of visit?" INTENT="Is this injury/overdose/poisoning intentional?" INJDETR="Is visit related to any of the following?" INJDETR1="Is visit related to any of the following? - recode #1" INJDETR2="Is visit related to any of the following? - recode #2" CAUSE1="Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #1 - detailed category" CAUSE2="Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #2 - detailed category" CAUSE3="Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #3 - detailed category" CAUSE1R="Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #1  numeric recode" CAUSE2R="Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #2  numeric recode" CAUSE3R="Cause of injury, poisoning, adverse effect #3  numeric recode" DIAG1="Diagnosis #1 - detailed category" DIAG2="Diagnosis #2 - detailed category" DIAG3="Diagnosis #3 - detailed category" DIAG4="Diagnosis #4 - detailed category" DIAG5="Diagnosis #5 - detailed category" PRDIAG1="For diagnosis 1, is this probable, questionable, or ruleout?" PRDIAG2="For diagnosis 2, is this probable, questionable, or ruleout?" PRDIAG3="For diagnosis 3, is this probable, questionable, or ruleout?" PRDIAG4="For diagnosis 4, is this probable, questionable, or ruleout?" PRDIAG5="For diagnosis 5, is this probable, questionable, or ruleout?" DIAG1R="Diagnosis #1 - detailed category - numeric recode" DIAG2R="Diagnosis #2 - detailed category - numeric recode" DIAG3R="Diagnosis #3 - detailed category - numeric recode" DIAG4R="Diagnosis #4 - detailed category - numeric recode" DIAG5R="Diagnosis #5 - detailed category - numeric recode" CANCER="Does patient have: Cancer" ETOHAB="Does patient have: Alcohol abuse" ALZHD="Does patient have: Alzheimer's disease/Dementia" ASTHMA="Does patient have: Asthma" CEBVD="Does patient have: Cerebrovascular disease/stroke (CVA) or transient ischemic attack (TIA)?" CKD="Does patient have: Chronic kidney disease (CKD)" COPD="Does patient have: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)" CHF="Does patient have: Congestive heart failure (CHF)" CAD="Does patient have: Coronary artery disease (CAD), ischemic heart disease (IHD) or history of myocardial infarction (MI)" DEPRN="Does patient have: Depression" DIABTYP1="Does patient have: Diabetes mellitus (DM) - Type I" DIABTYP2="Does patient have: Diabetes mellitus (DM) - Type II" DIABTYP0="Does patient have: Diabetes mellitus (DM) - Type unspecified" ESRD="Does patient have: End-stage renal disease (ESRD)" HPE="Does patient have: History of pulmonary embolism (PE) or deep vein thrombosis (DVT)" EDHIV="Does patient have: HIV infection/AIDS" HYPLIPID="Does patient have: Hyperlipidemia" HTN="Does patient have: Hypertension" OBESITY="Does patient have: Obesity" OSA="Does patient have: Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA)" OSTPRSIS="Does patient have: Osteoporosis" SUBSTAB="Does patient have: Substance abuse" NOCHRON="Does patient have: None of the above" TOTCHRON="Total number of chronic conditions" DIAGSCRN="Were diagnostic services ordered or provided?" ABG="Arterial blood gases" BAC="Blood alcohol concentration" BLOODCX="Blood culture" BNP="Brain natriuretic peptide" BUNCREAT="BUN (Blood urea nitrogen)/creatinine" CARDENZ="Cardiac enzymes" CBC="CBC" DDIMER="D-dimer" ELECTROL="Electrolytes" GLUCOSE="Glucose" LACTATE="Lactate" LFT="Liver function tests" PTTINR="Prothrombin time/INR" OTHERBLD="Other blood test" CARDMON="Cardiac monitor" EKG="EKG/ECG" HIVTEST="HIV test" FLUTEST="Rapid flu/Influenza test" PREGTEST="Pregnancy test" TOXSCREN="Toxicology screen" URINE="Urinalysis" WOUNDCX="Wound culture" URINECX="Urine culture" OTHRTEST="Other test/service" ANYIMAGE="Any imaging" XRAY="X-ray" CATSCAN="CT scan" CTAB="CT scan - abdomen/pelvis" CTCHEST="CT scan - chest" CTHEAD="CT scan- head" CTOTHER="CT scan - other" CTUNK="CT Scan - unknown" CTCONTRAST="Was CT Scan ordered/provided with intravenous (IV) contrast?" MRI="MRI" MRICONTRAST="Was MRI ordered/provided with intravenous (IV) contrast" ULTRASND="Ultrasound" OTHIMAGE="Other imaging" TOTDIAG="Total number of diagnostic services ordered or provided" PROC="Were procedures provided at this visit?" BPAP="BPAP/CPAP" BLADCATH="Bladder catheter" CASTSPLINT="Cast, splint or wrap" CENTLINE="Central line" CPR="CPR" ENDOINT="Endotracheal intubation" INCDRAIN="Incision and drainage (I & D)" IVFLUIDS="IV fluids" LUMBAR="Lumbar puncture" NEBUTHER="Nebulizer therapy" PELVIC="Pelvic exam" SKINADH="Skin adhesives" SUTURE="Suturing/Staples" OTHPROC="Other procedure" TOTPROC="Total number of procedures provided" MED="Were medications given at this visit or prescribed at ED discharge?" MED1="Medication 1" MED2="Medication 2" MED3="Medication 3" MED4="Medication 4" MED5="Medication 5" MED6="Medication 6" MED7="Medication 7" MED8="Medication 8" MED9="Medication 9" MED10="Medication 10" MED11="Medication 11" MED12="Medication 12" MED13="Medication 13" MED14="Medication 14" MED15="Medication 15" MED16="Medication 16" MED17="Medication 17" MED18="Medication 18" MED19="Medication 19" MED20="Medication 20" MED21="Medication 21" MED22="Medication 22" MED23="Medication 23" MED24="Medication 24" MED25="Medication 25" MED26="Medication 26" MED27="Medication 27" MED28="Medication 28" MED29="Medication 29" MED30="Medication 30" GPMED1="Medication 1 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED2="Medication 2 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED3="Medication 3 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED4="Medication 4 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED5="Medication 5 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED6="Medication 6 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED7="Medication 7 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED8="Medication 8 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED9="Medication 9 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED10="Medication 10 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED11="Medication 11 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED12="Medication 12 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED13="Medication 13 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED14="Medication 14 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED15="Medication 15 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED16="Medication 16 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED17="Medication 17 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED18="Medication 18 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED19="Medication 19 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED20="Medication 20 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED21="Medication 21 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED22="Medication 22 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED23="Medication 23 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED24="Medication 24 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED25="Medication 25 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED26="Medication 26 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED27="Medication 27 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED28="Medication 28 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED29="Medication 29 given in ED or Rx at discharge" GPMED30="Medication 30 given in ED or Rx at discharge" NUMGIV="Number of medications given in ED" NUMDIS="Number of medications prescribed at discharge" NUMMED="Number of medications" VITALSD="Were vitals taken at discharge?" TEMPDF="Vitals at discharge: Temperature in Fahrenheit" PULSED="Vitals at discharge: Heart rate (beats per minute)" RESPRD="Vitals at discharge: Respiratory rate (breaths per minute)" BPSYSD="Vitals at discharge: Systolic blood pressure" BPDIASD="Vitals at discharge: Diastolic blood pressure" NOPROVID="No answer to provider seen item" ATTPHYS="ED attending physician seen" RESINT="ED resident/intern seen" CONSULT="Consulting physician seen" RNLPN="Registered nurse/LPN seen" NURSEPR="Nurse practitioner seen" PHYSASST="Physician assistant seen" EMT="EMT" MHPROV="Other mental health provider" OTHPROV="Other provider seen" NODISP="No answer to disposition item" NOFU="No follow up planned" RETRNED="Return to ED" RETREFFU="Return/refer to physician/clinic for FU" LEFTBTRI="Left before triage" LEFTATRI="Left after triage" LEFTAMA="Left AMA (against medical advice)" DOA="DOA" DIEDED="Died in ED" TRANNH="Return/transfer to nursing home" TRANPSYC="Transfer to psychiatric hospital" TRANOTH="Transfer to other hospital" ADMITHOS="Admit to this hospital" OBSHOS="Admit to observation unit, then hospitalized" OBSDIS="Admit to observation unit, then discharged" OTHDISP="Other disposition" ADMIT="Admitted to:" ADMTPHYS="Admitting physician" BOARDED="Length of time boarded in ED in minutes" LOS="If admitted, length of stay in hospital (days)" HDDIAG1="Hospital discharge diagnosis #1 - detailed category" HDDIAG2="Hospital discharge diagnosis #2 - detailed category" HDDIAG3="Hospital discharge diagnosis #3 - detailed category" HDDIAG4="Hospital discharge diagnosis #4 - detailed category" HDDIAG5="Hospital discharge diagnosis #5 - detailed category" HDDIAG1R="Hospital discharge diagnosis #1 - numeric recode" HDDIAG2R="Hospital discharge diagnosis #2 - numeric recode" HDDIAG3R="Hospital discharge diagnosis #3 - numeric recode" HDDIAG4R="Hospital discharge diagnosis #4 - numeric recode" HDDIAG5R="Hospital discharge diagnosis #5 - numeric recode" HDSTAT="Hospital discharge status" ADISP="Disposition of live discharges" OBSSTAY="Length of stay in observation unit in minutes" STAY24="ED discharge greater than 24 hours" AGEFL="Was patient age reported, calculated or imputed?" BDATEFL="Birth date imputed?" SEXFL="Sex imputed?" ETHNICFL="Ethnicity imputed?" RACERFL="RACER imputed?" HOSPCODE="Hospital number" PATCODE="Patient code" EBILLANYE="Does your ED submit any claims electronically (electronic billing)?" EMRED="Does your ED use electronic medical or health records (EMR/EHR) (not including billing records)?" HHSMUE="Does your current system meet meaningful use criteria as defined by the Department of Health and Human Services?" SECURCHCKE="Has your hospital made an assessment of the potential risks and vulnerabilities of your electronic health information within the last 12 months?" DIFFEHRE="Does your EHRhave the capability to electronically send health information to another provider whose EHR system is different from your system?" EHRINSE="Does your ED have plans for installing a new EMR/EHR system within the next 18 months?" EDEMOGE="Does your ED have a computerized system for patient history and demographic information?" EDEMOGER="Recode of EDEMOGE for trending with data prior to 2010" EPROLSTE="If computerized system for pat history and demo info, does this include patient problem list?" EPROLSTER="Recode of EPROLSTE for trending with data prior to 2010" EVITALE="Does your ED have a computerized system for recording and charting vital signs?" EVITALER="Recode of EVITALE for trending with data prior to 2010" ESMOKEE="Does your ED have a computerized system for recording patient smoking status?" ESMOKEER="Recode of ESMOKEE for trending with data prior to 2010" EPNOTESE="Does your ED have a computerized system for recording clinical notes?" EPNOTESER="Recode of EPNOTESE for trending with data prior to 2010" EMEDALGE="Does your ED have a computerized system for recording patient's medications and allergies?" EMEDALGER="Recode of EMEDALGE for trending with data prior to 2010" EMEDIDE="Does your ED have a computerized system for reconciling lists of patients' medications to identify the most accurate list?" EMEDIDER="Recode of EMEDIDE for trending with data prior to 2010" EREMINDE="Does your ED have a computerized system for providing reminders for guideline-based interventions or screening tests?" EREMINDER="Recde of EREMINDE for trending with data prior to 2010" ECPOEE="Does your ED have a computerized system for orders for prescriptions?" ECPOEER="Recode of ECPOEE for trending with data prior to 2010" ESCRIPE="If computerized system for orders for prescriptions, are prescriptions sent electronically to the pharmacy?" ESCRIPER="Recode of ESCRIPE for trending with data prior to 2010" EWARNE="Does your ED have a computerized system for providing warnings of drug interactions or contraindications?" EWARNER="Recode of EWARNE for trending with data prior to 2010" EFORMULAE="Does your ED have a computerized system for performing drug formulary checks?" EFORMULAER="Recode of EFORMULAE for trending with data prior to 2010" ECTOEE="Does your ED have a computerized system for ordering lab tests?" ECTOEER="Recode of ECTOEE for trending with data prior to 2010" EORDERE="If computerized system for ordering lab tests, are orders sent electronically to the lab?" EORDERER="Recode of EORDERE for trending with data prior to 2010" ERESULTE="Does your ED have a computerized system for viewing of lab results?" ERESULTER="Recode of ERESULTE for trending with data prior to 2010" EGRAPHE="Can the EHR/EMR automatically graph a specific patient's lab results over time?" EGRAPHER="Recode of EGRAPHE for trending with data prior to 2010" ERADIE="Does your ED have a computerized system for ordering radiology tests" ERADIER="Recode of ERADIE for trending with data prior to 2010" EIMGRESE="Does your ED have a computerized system for viewing imaging results?" EIMGRESER="Recode of EIMGRESE for trending with data prior to 2010" EPTEDUE="Does your ED have a computerized system for identifying educational resources for patients' specific conditions?" EPTEDUER="Recode of EPTEDUE for trending with data prior to 2010" ECQME="Does your ED have a computerized system for reporting clinical quantity measures to federal or state agencies (such as CMS or Medicaid)?" ECQMER="Recode of ECQME for trending with data prior to 2010" EIDPTE="Does your ED have a computerized system for identifying patients due for preventive or follow-up care in order to send patients reminders?" EIDPTER="Recode of EIDPTE for trending with data prior to 2010" EGENLISTE="Does your ED have a computerized system for generating list of patients with particular health conditions?" EGENLISTER="Recode of EGENLISTE for trending with data prior to 2010" EIMMREGE="Does your ED have a computerized system for electronic reporting to immunization registries?" EIMMREGER="Recode of EIMMREGE for trending with data prior to 2010" ESUME="Does your ED have a computerized system for providing patients with clinical summaries for each visit?" ESUMER="Recode of ESUME for trending with data prior to 2010" EMSGE="Does your ED have a computerized system for exchanging secure messages with patients?" EMSGER="Recode of EMSGE for trending with data prior to 2010" EPTRECE="Does your ED have a computerized system for providing patients the ability to view online, download or transmit information from their medical record?" EPTRECER="Recode of EPTRECE for trending with data prior to 2010" ESHAREE="Does your ED share any patient health information electronically (not fax) with other providers, including hospitals, ambulatory providers, or labs?" ESHAREEHRE="How does your ED electronically share patient health information? - EHR/EMR" ESHAREWEBE="How does your ED electronically share patient health information? - Web portal (separate from EHR/EMR)" ESHAREOTHE="How does your ED electronically share patient health information? - Other electronic methods" ESHAREUNKE="How does your ED electronically share patient health information? - Unknown" ESHAREREFE="How does your ED electronically share patient health information? - Refused to answer" EHRTOEHRE="Is the patient health information that you share electronically sent directly from your HER system to another HER system?" ESHAREPROVE1="With what types of providers do you electronically share patient health information? - Ambulatory providers inside your hospital" ESHAREPROVE2="With what types of providers do you electronically share patient health information? - Ambulatory providers outside your hospital" ESHAREPROVE3="With what types of providers do you electronically share patient health information? - Hospitals with which you are affiliated" ESHAREPROVE4="With what types of providers do you electronically share patient health information? - Hospitals with which you are not affiliated" ESHAREPROVE5="With what types of providers do you electronically share patient health information? - Behavioral health providers" ESHAREPROVE6="With what types of providers do you electronically share patient health information? - Long-term care providers" ESHAREPROVE7="With what types of providers do you electronically share patient health information? - Home health providers" ESHAREPROVEREF="With what types of providers do you electronically share patient health information? - Refused to answer" ESHAREPROVEUNK="With what types of providers do you electronically share patient health information? - Unknown" EDPRIM="When patients with identified primary care physicians (PCP) arrive at the ED, how often do you electronically send notifications to the patients' PCP?" EDINFO="When patients arrive at the ED, are you able to query for patients' healthcare information electronically from outside sources?" MUSTAGE1="Does your hospital have plans to apply for stage 1 Meaningful Use of Health IT incentive payments?" MUSTAGE2="Are there plans to apply for Stage 2 incentive payments?" OBSCLIN="Does your ED have an observation or clinical decision unit?" OBSSEP="Is this observation or clinical decision unit physically separate from the ED?" OBSPHYSED="What type of physician makes decisions for patients in this observation unit? - ED physicians" OBSHOSP="What type of physician makes decisions for patients in this observation unit? - Hospitalists" OBSPHYSOT="What type of physician makes decisions for patients in this observation unit? - Other physicians" OBSPHYSUN="What type of physician makes decisions for patients in this observation unit? - Unknown" BOARD="Are admitted ED patients ever 'boarded' for more than 2 hours in the ED or observation unit while waiting for an inpatient bed?" BOARDHOS="If ED is critically overloaded, are admitted ED patients ever 'boarded' in inpatient hallways or in another space outside ED?" AMBDIV="Did your ED go on ambulance diversion in 2013?" TOTHRDIVR="What is the total number of hours that your hospital's ED was on ambulance diversion in 2013?" REGDIV="Is ambulance diversion actively managed on a regional level versus each hospital adopting diversion if and when it chooses?" ADMDIV="Does your hospital continue to admit elective or scheduled surgery cases when ED is on ambulance diversion?" INCSHX="In the last two years, has your ED increased the number of standard treatment spaces?" INCPHYS="In the last two years, has your ED's physical space been expanded?" EXPSPACE="Do you have plans to expand your your ED's physical space within the next two years?" BEDREG="Does your ED use bedside registration?" KIOSELCHK="Does ED use kiosk self check-in?" CATRIAGE="Does ED use computer-assisted triage?" IMBED="Does ED use immediate bedding?" ADVTRIAG="Does ED use advanced triage (triage-based care) protocols?" PHYSPRACTRIA="Does ED use physician/practitioner at triage?" FASTTRAK="Does ED use separate fast track unit for nonurgent care?" EDPTOR="Does ED use separate operating room dedicated to ED patients?" DASHBORD="Does ED use electronic dashboard?" RFID="Does ED use radio frequency identification tracking?" WIRELESS="Does ED use wireless devices by providers?" ZONENURS="Does ED use zone nursing?" POOLNURS="Does ED use pool nursing?" SURGDAY="Number of days in a week elective surgeries scheduled" BEDCZAR="Does your hospital have a bed coordinator, sometimes known as a bed czar?" BEDDATA="How often are hospital bed census data available?" HLIST="Does your hospital have hospitalists on staff?" HLISTED="Do the hospitalists on staff at your hospital admit patients from your ED?" EMEDRES="Does hospital have Emergency Medicine residency program?" REGION="Geographic region" MSA="Metropolitan statistical area status" DRUGID1="Drug ID code for medication #1" PRESCR1="Prescription status code for medication #1" CONTSUB1="Controlled substance status code for medication #1" COMSTAT1="Composition status code for medication #1" RX1CAT1="For RX1, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX1CAT2="For RX1, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX1CAT3="For RX1, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX1CAT4="For RX1, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX1V1C1="For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX1V1C2="For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX1V1C3="For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX1V1C4="For RX1, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX1V2C1="For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX1V2C2="For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX1V2C3="For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX1V2C4="For RX1, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX1V3C1="For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX1V3C2="For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX1V3C3="For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX1V3C4="For RX1, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID2="Drug ID code for medication #2" PRESCR2="Prescription status code for medication #2" CONTSUB2="Controlled substance status code for medication #2" COMSTAT2="Composition status code for medication #2" RX2CAT1="For RX2, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX2CAT2="For RX2, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX2CAT3="For RX2, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX2CAT4="For RX2, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX2V1C1="For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX2V1C2="For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX2V1C3="For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX2V1C4="For RX2, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX2V2C1="For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX2V2C2="For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX2V2C3="For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX2V2C4="For RX2, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX2V3C1="For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX2V3C2="For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX2V3C3="For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX2V3C4="For RX2, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID3="Drug ID code for medication #3" PRESCR3="Prescription status code for medication #3" CONTSUB3="Controlled substance status code for medication #3" COMSTAT3="Composition status code for medication #3" RX3CAT1="For RX3, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX3CAT2="For RX3, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX3CAT3="For RX3, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX3CAT4="For RX3, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX3V1C1="For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX3V1C2="For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX3V1C3="For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX3V1C4="For RX3, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX3V2C1="For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX3V2C2="For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX3V2C3="For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX3V2C4="For RX3, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX3V3C1="For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX3V3C2="For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX3V3C3="For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX3V3C4="For RX3, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID4="Drug ID code for medication #4" PRESCR4="Prescription status code for medication #4" CONTSUB4="Controlled substance status code for medication #4" COMSTAT4="Composition status code for medication #4" RX4CAT1="For RX4, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX4CAT2="For RX4, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX4CAT3="For RX4, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX4CAT4="For RX4, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX4V1C1="For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX4V1C2="For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX4V1C3="For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX4V1C4="For RX4, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX4V2C1="For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX4V2C2="For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX4V2C3="For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX4V2C4="For RX4, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX4V3C1="For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX4V3C2="For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX4V3C3="For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX4V3C4="For RX4, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID5="Drug ID code for medication #5" PRESCR5="Prescription status code medication #5" CONTSUB5="Controlled substance status code medication #5" COMSTAT5="Composition status code medication #5" RX5CAT1="For RX5, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX5CAT2="For RX5, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX5CAT3="For RX5, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX5CAT4="For RX5, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX5V1C1="For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX5V1C2="For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX5V1C3="For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX5V1C4="For RX5, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX5V2C1="For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX5V2C2="For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX5V2C3="For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX5V2C4="For RX5, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX5V3C1="For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX5V3C2="For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX5V3C3="For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX5V3C4="For RX5, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID6="Drug ID code for medication #6" PRESCR6="Prescription status code for medication #6" CONTSUB6="Controlled substance status code for medication #6" COMSTAT6="Composition status code for medication #6" RX6CAT1="For RX6, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX6CAT2="For RX6, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX6CAT3="For RX6, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX6CAT4="For RX6, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX6V1C1="For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX6V1C2="For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX6V1C3="For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX6V1C4="For RX6, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX6V2C1="For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX6V2C2="For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX6V2C3="For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX6V2C4="For RX6, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX6V3C1="For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX6V3C2="For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX6V3C3="For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX6V3C4="For RX6, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID7="Drug ID code for medication #7" PRESCR7="Prescription status code for medication #7" CONTSUB7="Controlled substance status code for medication #7" COMSTAT7="Composition status code for medication #7" RX7CAT1="For RX7, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX7CAT2="For RX7, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX7CAT3="For RX7, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX7CAT4="For RX7, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX7V1C1="For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX7V1C2="For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX7V1C3="For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX7V1C4="For RX7, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX7V2C1="For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX7V2C2="For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX7V2C3="For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX7V2C4="For RX7, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX7V3C1="For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX7V3C2="For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX7V3C3="For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX7V3C4="For RX7, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID8="Drug ID code for medication #8" PRESCR8="Prescription status code for medication #8" CONTSUB8="Controlled substance status code for medication #8" COMSTAT8="Composition status code for medication #8" RX8CAT1="For RX8, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX8CAT2="For RX8, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX8CAT3="For RX8, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX8CAT4="For RX8, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX8V1C1="For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX8V1C2="For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX8V1C3="For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX8V1C4="For RX8, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX8V2C1="For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX8V2C2="For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX8V2C3="For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX8V2C4="For RX8, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX8V3C1="For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX8V3C2="For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX8V3C3="For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX8V3C4="For RX8, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID9="Drug ID code for medication #9" PRESCR9="Prescription status code for medication #9" CONTSUB9="Controlled substance status code for medication #9" COMSTAT9="Composition status code for medication #9" RX9CAT1="For RX9, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX9CAT2="For RX9, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX9CAT3="For RX9, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX9CAT4="For RX9, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX9V1C1="For RX9, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX9V1C2="For RX9, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX9V1C3="For RX9, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX9V1C4="For RX9, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX9V2C1="For RX9, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX9V2C2="For RX9, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX9V2C3="For RX9, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX9V2C4="For RX9, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX9V3C1="For RX9, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX9V3C2="For RX9, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX9V3C3="For RX9, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX9V3C4="For RX9, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID10="Drug ID code for medication #10" PRESCR10="Prescription status code for medication #10" CONTSUB10="Controlled substance status code for medication #10" COMSTAT10="Composition status code for medication #10" RX10CAT1="For RX10, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX10CAT2="For RX10, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX10CAT3="For RX10, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX10CAT4="For RX10, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX10V1C1="For RX10, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX10V1C2="For RX10, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX10V1C3="For RX10, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX10V1C4="For RX10, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX10V2C1="For RX10, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX10V2C2="For RX10, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX10V2C3="For RX10, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX10V2C4="For RX10, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX10V3C1="For RX10, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX10V3C2="For RX10, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX10V3C3="For RX10, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX10V3C4="For RX10, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID11="Drug ID code for medication #11" PRESCR11="Prescription status code for medication #11" CONTSUB11="Controlled substance status code for medication #11" COMSTAT11="Composition status code for medication #11" RX11CAT1="For RX11, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX11CAT2="For RX11, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX11CAT3="For RX11, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX11CAT4="For RX11, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX11V1C1="For RX11, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX11V1C2="For RX11, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX11V1C3="For RX11, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX11V1C4="For RX11, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX11V2C1="For RX11, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX11V2C2="For RX11, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX11V2C3="For RX11, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX11V2C4="For RX11, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX11V3C1="For RX11, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX11V3C2="For RX11, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX11V3C3="For RX11, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX11V3C4="For RX11, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID12="Drug ID code for medication #12" PRESCR12="Prescription status code for medication #12" CONTSUB12="Controlled substance status code for medication #12" COMSTAT12="Composition status code for medication #12" RX12CAT1="For RX12, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX12CAT2="For RX12, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX12CAT3="For RX12, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX12CAT4="For RX12, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX12V1C1="For RX12, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX12V1C2="For RX12, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX12V1C3="For RX12, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX12V1C4="For RX12, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX12V2C1="For RX12, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX12V2C2="For RX12, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX12V2C3="For RX12, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX12V2C4="For RX12, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX12V3C1="For RX12, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX12V3C2="For RX12, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX12V3C3="For RX12, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX12V3C4="For RX12, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID13="Drug ID code for medication #13" PRESCR13="Prescription status code for medication #13" CONTSUB13="Controlled substance status code for medication #13" COMSTAT13="Composition status code for medication #13" RX13CAT1="For RX13, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX13CAT2="For RX13, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX13CAT3="For RX13, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX13CAT4="For RX13, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX13V1C1="For RX13, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX13V1C2="For RX13, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX13V1C3="For RX13, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX13V1C4="For RX13, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX13V2C1="For RX13, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX13V2C2="For RX13, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX13V2C3="For RX13, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX13V2C4="For RX13, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX13V3C1="For RX13, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX13V3C2="For RX13, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX13V3C3="For RX13, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX13V3C4="For RX13, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID14="Drug ID code for medication #14" PRESCR14="Prescription status code for medication #14" CONTSUB14="Controlled substance status code for medication #14" COMSTAT14="Composition status code for medication #14" RX14CAT1="For RX14, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX14CAT2="For RX14, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX14CAT3="For RX14, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX14CAT4="For RX14, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX14V1C1="For RX14, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX14V1C2="For RX14, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX14V1C3="For RX14, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX14V1C4="For RX14, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX14V2C1="For RX14, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX14V2C2="For RX14, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX14V2C3="For RX14, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX14V2C4="For RX14, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX14V3C1="For RX14, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX14V3C2="For RX14, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX14V3C3="For RX14, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX14V3C4="For RX14, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID15="Drug ID code for medication #15" PRESCR15="Prescription status code for medication #15" CONTSUB15="Controlled substance status code for medication #15" COMSTAT15="Composition status code for medication #15" RX15CAT1="For RX15, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX15CAT2="For RX15, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX15CAT3="For RX15, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX15CAT4="For RX15, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX15V1C1="For RX15, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX15V1C2="For RX15, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX15V1C3="For RX15, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX15V1C4="For RX15, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX15V2C1="For RX15, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX15V2C2="For RX15, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX15V2C3="For RX15, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX15V2C4="For RX15, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX15V3C1="For RX15, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX15V3C2="For RX15, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX15V3C3="For RX15, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX15V3C4="For RX15, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID16="Drug ID code for medication #16" PRESCR16="Prescription status code for medication #16" CONTSUB16="Controlled substance status code for medication #16" COMSTAT16="Composition status code for medication #16" RX16CAT1="For RX16, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX16CAT2="For RX16, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX16CAT3="For RX16, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX16CAT4="For RX16, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX16V1C1="For RX16, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX16V1C2="For RX16, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX16V1C3="For RX16, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX16V1C4="For RX16, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX16V2C1="For RX16, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX16V2C2="For RX16, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX16V2C3="For RX16, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX16V2C4="For RX16, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX16V3C1="For RX16, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX16V3C2="For RX16, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX16V3C3="For RX16, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX16V3C4="For RX16, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID17="Drug ID code for medication #17" PRESCR17="Prescription status code for medication #17" CONTSUB17="Controlled substance status code for medication #17" COMSTAT17="Composition status code for medication #17" RX17CAT1="For RX17, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX17CAT2="For RX17, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX17CAT3="For RX17, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX17CAT4="For RX17, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX17V1C1="For RX17, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX17V1C2="For RX17, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX17V1C3="For RX17, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX17V1C4="For RX17, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX17V2C1="For RX17, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX17V2C2="For RX17, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX17V2C3="For RX17, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX17V2C4="For RX17, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX17V3C1="For RX17, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX17V3C2="For RX17, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX17V3C3="For RX17, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX17V3C4="For RX17, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID18="Drug ID code for medication #18" PRESCR18="Prescription status code for medication #18" CONTSUB18="Controlled substance status code for medication #18" COMSTAT18="Composition status code for medication #18" RX18CAT1="For RX18, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX18CAT2="For RX18, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX18CAT3="For RX18, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX18CAT4="For RX18, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX18V1C1="For RX18, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX18V1C2="For RX18, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX18V1C3="For RX18, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX18V1C4="For RX18, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX18V2C1="For RX18, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX18V2C2="For RX18, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX18V2C3="For RX18, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX18V2C4="For RX18, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX18V3C1="For RX18, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX18V3C2="For RX18, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX18V3C3="For RX18, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX18V3C4="For RX18, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID19="Drug ID code for medication #19" PRESCR19="Prescription status code for medication #19" CONTSUB19="Controlled substance status code for medication #19" COMSTAT19="Composition status code for medication #19" RX19CAT1="For RX19, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX19CAT2="For RX19, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX19CAT3="For RX19, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX19CAT4="For RX19, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX19V1C1="For RX19, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX19V1C2="For RX19, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX19V1C3="For RX19, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX19V1C4="For RX19, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX19V2C1="For RX19, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX19V2C2="For RX19, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX19V2C3="For RX19, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX19V2C4="For RX19, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX19V3C1="For RX19, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX19V3C2="For RX19, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX19V3C3="For RX19, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX19V3C4="For RX19, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID20="Drug ID code for medication #20" PRESCR20="Prescription status code for medication #20" CONTSUB20="Controlled substance status code for medication #20" COMSTAT20="Composition status code for medication #20" RX20CAT1="For RX20, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX20CAT2="For RX20, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX20CAT3="For RX20, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX20CAT4="For RX20, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX20V1C1="For RX20, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX20V1C2="For RX20, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX20V1C3="For RX20, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX20V1C4="For RX20, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX20V2C1="For RX20, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX20V2C2="For RX20, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX20V2C3="For RX20, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX20V2C4="For RX20, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX20V3C1="For RX20, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX20V3C2="For RX20, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX20V3C3="For RX20, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX20V3C4="For RX20, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID21="Drug ID code for medication #21" PRESCR21="Prescription status code for medication #21" CONTSUB21="Controlled substance status code for medication #21" COMSTAT21="Composition status code for medication #21" RX21CAT1="For RX21, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX21CAT2="For RX21, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX21CAT3="For RX21, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX21CAT4="For RX21, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX21V1C1="For RX21, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX21V1C2="For RX21, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX21V1C3="For RX21, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX21V1C4="For RX21, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX21V2C1="For RX21, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX21V2C2="For RX21, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX21V2C3="For RX21, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX21V2C4="For RX21, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX21V3C1="For RX21, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX21V3C2="For RX21, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX21V3C3="For RX21, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX21V3C4="For RX21, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID22="Drug ID code for medication #22" PRESCR22="Prescription status code for medication #22" CONTSUB22="Controlled substance status code for medication #22" COMSTAT22="Composition status code for medication #22" RX22CAT1="For RX22, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX22CAT2="For RX22, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX22CAT3="For RX22, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX22CAT4="For RX22, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX22V1C1="For RX22, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX22V1C2="For RX22, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX22V1C3="For RX22, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX22V1C4="For RX22, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX22V2C1="For RX22, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX22V2C2="For RX22, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX22V2C3="For RX22, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX22V2C4="For RX22, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX22V3C1="For RX22, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX22V3C2="For RX22, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX22V3C3="For RX22, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX22V3C4="For RX22, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID23="Drug ID code for medication #23" PRESCR23="Prescription status code for medication #23" CONTSUB23="Controlled substance status code for medication #23" COMSTAT23="Composition status code for medication #23" RX23CAT1="For RX23, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX23CAT2="For RX23, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX23CAT3="For RX23, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX23CAT4="For RX23, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX23V1C1="For RX23, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX23V1C2="For RX23, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX23V1C3="For RX23, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX23V1C4="For RX23, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX23V2C1="For RX23, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX23V2C2="For RX23, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX23V2C3="For RX23, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX23V2C4="For RX23, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX23V3C1="For RX23, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX23V3C2="For RX23, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX23V3C3="For RX23, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX23V3C4="For RX23, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID24="Drug ID code for medication #24" PRESCR24="Prescription status code for medication #24" CONTSUB24="Controlled substance status code for medication #24" COMSTAT24="Composition status code for medication #24" RX24CAT1="For RX24, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX24CAT2="For RX24, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX24CAT3="For RX24, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX24CAT4="For RX24, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX24V1C1="For RX24, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX24V1C2="For RX24, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX24V1C3="For RX24, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX24V1C4="For RX24, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX24V2C1="For RX24, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX24V2C2="For RX24, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX24V2C3="For RX24, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX24V2C4="For RX24, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX24V3C1="For RX24, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX24V3C2="For RX24, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX24V3C3="For RX24, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX24V3C4="For RX24, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID25="Drug ID code for medication #25" PRESCR25="Prescription status code for medication #25" CONTSUB25="Controlled substance status code for medication #25" COMSTAT25="Composition status code for medication #25" RX25CAT1="For RX25, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX25CAT2="For RX25, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX25CAT3="For RX25, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX25CAT4="For RX25, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX25V1C1="For RX25, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX25V1C2="For RX25, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX25V1C3="For RX25, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX25V1C4="For RX25, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX25V2C1="For RX25, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX25V2C2="For RX25, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX25V2C3="For RX25, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX25V2C4="For RX25, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX25V3C1="For RX25, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX25V3C2="For RX25, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX25V3C3="For RX25, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX25V3C4="For RX25, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID26="Drug ID code for medication #26" PRESCR26="Prescription status code for medication #26" CONTSUB26="Controlled substance status code for medication #26" COMSTAT26="Composition status code for medication #26" RX26CAT1="For RX26, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX26CAT2="For RX26, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX26CAT3="For RX26, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX26CAT4="For RX26, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX26V1C1="For RX26, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX26V1C2="For RX26, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX26V1C3="For RX26, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX26V1C4="For RX26, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX26V2C1="For RX26, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX26V2C2="For RX26, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX26V2C3="For RX26, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX26V2C4="For RX26, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX26V3C1="For RX26, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX26V3C2="For RX26, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX26V3C3="For RX26, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX26V3C4="For RX26, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID27="Drug ID code for medication #27" PRESCR27="Prescription status code for medication #27" CONTSUB27="Controlled substance status code for medication #27" COMSTAT27="Composition status code for medication #27" RX27CAT1="For RX27, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX27CAT2="For RX27, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX27CAT3="For RX27, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX27CAT4="For RX27, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX27V1C1="For RX27, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX27V1C2="For RX27, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX27V1C3="For RX27, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX27V1C4="For RX27, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX27V2C1="For RX27, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX27V2C2="For RX27, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX27V2C3="For RX27, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX27V2C4="For RX27, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX27V3C1="For RX27, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX27V3C2="For RX27, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX27V3C3="For RX27, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX27V3C4="For RX27, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID28="Drug ID code for medication #28" PRESCR28="Prescription status code for medication #28" CONTSUB28="Controlled substance status code for medication #28" COMSTAT28="Composition status code for medication #28" RX28CAT1="For RX28, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX28CAT2="For RX28, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX28CAT3="For RX28, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX28CAT4="For RX28, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX28V1C1="For RX28, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX28V1C2="For RX28, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX28V1C3="For RX28, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX28V1C4="For RX28, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX28V2C1="For RX28, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX28V2C2="For RX28, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX28V2C3="For RX28, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX28V2C4="For RX28, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX28V3C1="For RX28, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX28V3C2="For RX28, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX28V3C3="For RX28, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX28V3C4="For RX28, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID29="Drug ID code for medication #29" PRESCR29="Prescription status code for medication #29" CONTSUB29="Controlled substance status code for medication #29" COMSTAT29="Composition status code for medication #29" RX29CAT1="For RX29, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX29CAT2="For RX29, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX29CAT3="For RX29, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX29CAT4="For RX29, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX29V1C1="For RX29, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX29V1C2="For RX29, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX29V1C3="For RX29, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX29V1C4="For RX29, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX29V2C1="For RX29, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX29V2C2="For RX29, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX29V2C3="For RX29, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX29V2C4="For RX29, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX29V3C1="For RX29, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX29V3C2="For RX29, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX29V3C3="For RX29, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX29V3C4="For RX29, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" DRUGID30="Drug ID code for medication #30" PRESCR30="Prescription status code for medication #30" CONTSUB30="Controlled substance status code for medication #30" COMSTAT30="Composition status code for medication #30" RX30CAT1="For RX30, MULTUM drug category #1 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX30CAT2="For RX30, MULTUM drug category #2 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX30CAT3="For RX30, MULTUM drug category #3 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX30CAT4="For RX30, MULTUM drug category #4 - most detailed level (can be either Level 1,2 or 3)" RX30V1C1="For RX30, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #1 (broad level)" RX30V1C2="For RX30, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #2 (broad level)" RX30V1C3="For RX30, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #3 (broad level)" RX30V1C4="For RX30, level 1 of MULTUM drug category #4 (broad level)" RX30V2C1="For RX30, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #1 (intermediate level)" RX30V2C2="For RX30, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #2 (intermediate level)" RX30V2C3="For RX30, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #3 (intermediate level)" RX30V2C4="For RX30, level 2 of MULTUM drug category #4 (intermediate level)" RX30V3C1="For RX30, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #1 (detailed level)" RX30V3C2="For RX30, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #2 (detailed level)" RX30V3C3="For RX30, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #3 (detailed level)" RX30V3C4="For RX30, level 3 of MULTUM drug category #4 (detailed level)" SETTYPE="Setting type" YEAR="YEAR (2014)" CSTRATM="Clustered CSTRATM -- masked" CPSUM="Clustered CPSUM -- masked" PATWT="Patient visit weight" EDWT="ED weight" ; FORMAT VMONTH VMONTHF. VDAYR VDAYRF. AGE AGEF. AGEDAYS AGEDAYSF. AGER AGERF. ARRTIME $TIMEF. WAITTIME BOARDED LOS OBSSTAY WAITTIMEF. LOV LOVF. RESIDNCE RESIDF. SEX SEXF. ETHUN ETHUNF. RACEUN RACEUNF. ETHIM ETHIMF. RACER RACERF. RACERETH RACERETHF. ARREMS ARREMSF. AMBTRANSFER AMBTRANF. NOPAY NOPAYF. PAYPRIV PAYMCARE PAYMCAID PAYWKCMP PAYSELF PAYNOCHG PAYOTH PAYDK NOYESF. PAYTYPER PAYTYPERF. TEMPF TEMPFF. PULSE PULSEF. RESPR RESPRF. BPSYS BPSYSF. BPDIAS BPDIASF. POPCT POPCTF. IMMEDR IMMEDRF. PAINSCALE PAINSCALEF. SEEN72 CTCONTRAST MRICONTRAST YESNOUBF. RFV1 RFV2 RFV3 RFV4 RFV5 RFVF. RFV13D RFV23D RFV33D RFV43D RFV53D RFV3DF. EPISODE EPISODEF. INJURY INJURYF. INJR1 INJR2 INJF. INJPOISAD INJPOISADR1 INJPOISADR2 INJPOISADF. INJURY72 INJURY72F. INTENT INTENTF. INJDETR INJDETR1 INJDETR2 INJDETRF. CAUSE1 CAUSE2 CAUSE3 $CAUSEF. CAUSE13D CAUSE23D CAUSE33D $CAUSE3F. DIAG1 DIAG2 DIAG3 DIAG4 DIAG5 $DIAGF. DIAG13D DIAG23D DIAG33D DIAG43D DIAG53D $DIAG3DF. PRDIAG1 PRDIAG2 PRDIAG3 PRDIAG4 PRDIAG5 PRDIAGF. CANCER ETOHAB ALZHD ASTHMA CEBVD CKD COPD CHF CAD DEPRN DIABTYP1 DIABTYP2 DIABTYP0 ESRD HPE EDHIV HYPLIPID HTN OBESITY OSA OSTPRSIS SUBSTAB NOYESF. DIAGSCRN DIAGSCRF. ABG BAC BLOODCX BNP BUNCREAT CARDENZ CBC DDIMER ELECTROL GLUCOSE LACTATE LFT PTTINR OTHERBLD CARDMON EKG HIVTEST FLUTEST PREGTEST TOXSCREN URINE WOUNDCX URINECX OTHRTEST ANYIMAGE XRAY CATSCAN CTAB CTCHEST CTHEAD CTOTHER CTUNK MRI ULTRASND OTHIMAGE NOYESF. TOTDIAG TOTDIAGF. NOCHRON PROC PROCF. BPAP BLADCATH CASTSPLINT CENTLINE CPR ENDOINT INCDRAIN IVFLUIDS LUMBAR NEBUTHER PELVIC SKINADH SUTURE OTHPROC NOYESF. TOTPROC TOTCHRON TOTPROCF. MED MEDF. MED1 MED2 MED3 MED4 MED5 MED6 MED7 MED8 MED9 MED10 MED11 MED12 MED13 MED14 MED15 MED16 MED17 MED18 MED19 MED20 MED21 MED22 MED23 MED24 MED25 MED26 MED27 MED28 MED29 MED30 $MEDCODF. GPMED1 GPMED2 GPMED3 GPMED4 GPMED5 GPMED6 GPMED7 GPMED8 GPMED9 GPMED10 GPMED11 GPMED12 GPMED13 GPMED14 GPMED15 GPMED16 GPMED17 GPMED18 GPMED19 GPMED20 GPMED21 GPMED22 GPMED23 GPMED24 GPMED25 GPMED26 GPMED27 GPMED28 GPMED29 GPMED30 GPMEDF. NUMGIV NUMGIVF. NUMDIS NUMDISF. VITALSD YESNOUBF. TEMPDF TEMPFF. PULSED PULSEF. RESPRD RESPRF. BPSYSD BPSYSF. BPDIASD BPDIASF. NOPROVID ATTPHYS RESINT CONSULT RNLPN NURSEPR PHYSASST EMT MHPROV OTHPROV NOYESF. NODISP NODISPF. NOFU RETRNED RETREFFU LEFTBTRI LEFTATRI LEFTAMA DOA DIEDED TRANNH TRANPSYC TRANOTH ADMITHOS OBSHOS OBSDIS OTHDISP NOYESF. ADMIT ADMITF. ADMTPHYS ADMTPHYSF. HDDIAG1 HDDIAG2 HDDIAG3 HDDIAG4 HDDIAG5 $DIAGF. HDDIAG13D HDDIAG23D HDDIAG33D HDDIAG43D HDDIAG53D $HDDIAG3F. HDSTAT HDSTATF. ADISP ADISPF. STAY24 STAY24F. AGEFL AGEFLF. MSA MSAF. REGION REGIONF. BDATEFL SEXFL ETHNICFL RACERFL IMPUTF. DRUGID1 DRUGID2 DRUGID3 DRUGID4 DRUGID5 DRUGID6 DRUGID7 DRUGID8 DRUGID9 DRUGID10 DRUGID11 DRUGID12 DRUGID13 DRUGID14 DRUGID15 DRUGID16 DRUGID17 DRUGID18 DRUGID19 DRUGID20 DRUGID21 DRUGID22 DRUGID23 DRUGID24 DRUGID25 DRUGID26 DRUGID27 DRUGID28 DRUGID29 DRUGID30 $DRUGIDF. PRESCR1 PRESCR2 PRESCR3 PRESCR4 PRESCR5 PRESCR6 PRESCR7 PRESCR8 PRESCR9 PRESCR10 PRESCR11 PRESCR12 PRESCR13 PRESCR14 PRESCR15 PRESCR16 PRESCR17 PRESCR18 PRESCR19 PRESCR20 PRESCR21 PRESCR22 PRESCR23 PRESCR24 PRESCR25 PRESCR26 PRESCR27 PRESCR28 PRESCR29 PRESCR30 PRESCRF. CONTSUB1 CONTSUB2 CONTSUB3 CONTSUB4 CONTSUB5 CONTSUB6 CONTSUB7 CONTSUB8 CONTSUB9 CONTSUB10 CONTSUB11 CONTSUB12 CONTSUB13 CONTSUB14 CONTSUB15 CONTSUB16 CONTSUB17 CONTSUB18 CONTSUB19 CONTSUB20 CONTSUB21 CONTSUB22 CONTSUB23 CONTSUB24 CONTSUB25 CONTSUB26 CONTSUB27 CONTSUB28 CONTSUB29 CONTSUB30 CONTSUBF. COMSTAT1 COMSTAT2 COMSTAT3 COMSTAT4 COMSTAT5 COMSTAT6 COMSTAT7 COMSTAT8 COMSTAT9 COMSTAT10 COMSTAT11 COMSTAT12 COMSTAT13 COMSTAT14 COMSTAT15 COMSTAT16 COMSTAT17 COMSTAT18 COMSTAT19 COMSTAT20 COMSTAT21 COMSTAT22 COMSTAT23 COMSTAT24 COMSTAT25 COMSTAT26 COMSTAT27 COMSTAT28 COMSTAT29 COMSTAT30 COMSTATF. RX1CAT1 RX1CAT2 RX1CAT3 RX1CAT4 $RXCATF. RX1V1C1 RX1V1C2 RX1V1C3 RX1V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX1V2C1 RX1V2C2 RX1V2C3 RX1V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX1V3C1 RX1V3C2 RX1V3C3 RX1V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX2CAT1 RX2CAT2 RX2CAT3 RX2CAT4 $RXCATF. RX2V1C1 RX2V1C2 RX2V1C3 RX2V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX2V2C1 RX2V2C2 RX2V2C3 RX2V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX2V3C1 RX2V3C2 RX2V3C3 RX2V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX3CAT1 RX3CAT2 RX3CAT3 RX3CAT4 $RXCATF. RX3V1C1 RX3V1C2 RX3V1C3 RX3V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX3V2C1 RX3V2C2 RX3V2C3 RX3V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX3V3C1 RX3V3C2 RX3V3C3 RX3V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX4CAT1 RX4CAT2 RX4CAT3 RX4CAT4 $RXCATF. RX4V1C1 RX4V1C2 RX4V1C3 RX4V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX4V2C1 RX4V2C2 RX4V2C3 RX4V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX4V3C1 RX4V3C2 RX4V3C3 RX4V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX5CAT1 RX5CAT2 RX5CAT3 RX5CAT4 $RXCATF. RX5V1C1 RX5V1C2 RX5V1C3 RX5V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX5V2C1 RX5V2C2 RX5V2C3 RX5V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX5V3C1 RX5V3C2 RX5V3C3 RX5V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX6CAT1 RX6CAT2 RX6CAT3 RX6CAT4 $RXCATF. RX6V1C1 RX6V1C2 RX6V1C3 RX6V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX6V2C1 RX6V2C2 RX6V2C3 RX6V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX6V3C1 RX6V3C2 RX6V3C3 RX6V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX7CAT1 RX7CAT2 RX7CAT3 RX7CAT4 $RXCATF. RX7V1C1 RX7V1C2 RX7V1C3 RX7V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX7V2C1 RX7V2C2 RX7V2C3 RX7V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX7V3C1 RX7V3C2 RX7V3C3 RX7V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX8CAT1 RX8CAT2 RX8CAT3 RX8CAT4 $RXCATF. RX8V1C1 RX8V1C2 RX8V1C3 RX8V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX8V2C1 RX8V2C2 RX8V2C3 RX8V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX8V3C1 RX8V3C2 RX8V3C3 RX8V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX9CAT1 RX9CAT2 RX9CAT3 RX9CAT4 $RXCATF. RX9V1C1 RX9V1C2 RX9V1C3 RX9V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX9V2C1 RX9V2C2 RX9V2C3 RX9V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX9V3C1 RX9V3C2 RX9V3C3 RX9V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX10CAT1 RX10CAT2 RX10CAT3 RX10CAT4 $RXCATF. RX10V1C1 RX10V1C2 RX10V1C3 RX10V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX10V2C1 RX10V2C2 RX10V2C3 RX10V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX10V3C1 RX10V3C2 RX10V3C3 RX10V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX11CAT1 RX11CAT2 RX11CAT3 RX11CAT4 $RXCATF. RX11V1C1 RX11V1C2 RX11V1C3 RX11V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX11V2C1 RX11V2C2 RX11V2C3 RX11V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX11V3C1 RX11V3C2 RX11V3C3 RX11V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX12CAT1 RX12CAT2 RX12CAT3 RX12CAT4 $RXCATF. RX12V1C1 RX12V1C2 RX12V1C3 RX12V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX12V2C1 RX12V2C2 RX12V2C3 RX12V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX12V3C1 RX12V3C2 RX12V3C3 RX12V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX13CAT1 RX13CAT2 RX13CAT3 RX13CAT4 $RXCATF. RX13V1C1 RX13V1C2 RX13V1C3 RX13V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX13V2C1 RX13V2C2 RX13V2C3 RX13V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX13V3C1 RX13V3C2 RX13V3C3 RX13V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX14CAT1 RX14CAT2 RX14CAT3 RX14CAT4 $RXCATF. RX14V1C1 RX14V1C2 RX14V1C3 RX14V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX14V2C1 RX14V2C2 RX14V2C3 RX14V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX14V3C1 RX14V3C2 RX14V3C3 RX14V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX15CAT1 RX15CAT2 RX15CAT3 RX15CAT4 $RXCATF. RX15V1C1 RX15V1C2 RX15V1C3 RX15V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX15V2C1 RX15V2C2 RX15V2C3 RX15V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX15V3C1 RX15V3C2 RX15V3C3 RX15V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX16CAT1 RX16CAT2 RX16CAT3 RX16CAT4 $RXCATF. RX16V1C1 RX16V1C2 RX16V1C3 RX16V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX16V2C1 RX16V2C2 RX16V2C3 RX16V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX16V3C1 RX16V3C2 RX16V3C3 RX16V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX17CAT1 RX17CAT2 RX17CAT3 RX17CAT4 $RXCATF. RX17V1C1 RX17V1C2 RX17V1C3 RX17V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX17V2C1 RX17V2C2 RX17V2C3 RX17V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX17V3C1 RX17V3C2 RX17V3C3 RX17V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX18CAT1 RX18CAT2 RX18CAT3 RX18CAT4 $RXCATF. RX18V1C1 RX18V1C2 RX18V1C3 RX18V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX18V2C1 RX18V2C2 RX18V2C3 RX18V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX18V3C1 RX18V3C2 RX18V3C3 RX18V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX19CAT1 RX19CAT2 RX19CAT3 RX19CAT4 $RXCATF. RX19V1C1 RX19V1C2 RX19V1C3 RX19V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX19V2C1 RX19V2C2 RX19V2C3 RX19V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX19V3C1 RX19V3C2 RX19V3C3 RX19V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX20CAT1 RX20CAT2 RX20CAT3 RX20CAT4 $RXCATF. RX20V1C1 RX20V1C2 RX20V1C3 RX20V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX20V2C1 RX20V2C2 RX20V2C3 RX20V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX20V3C1 RX20V3C2 RX20V3C3 RX20V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX21CAT1 RX21CAT2 RX21CAT3 RX21CAT4 $RXCATF. 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RX26V2C1 RX26V2C2 RX26V2C3 RX26V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX26V3C1 RX26V3C2 RX26V3C3 RX26V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX27CAT1 RX27CAT2 RX27CAT3 RX27CAT4 $RXCATF. RX27V1C1 RX27V1C2 RX27V1C3 RX27V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX27V2C1 RX27V2C2 RX27V2C3 RX27V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX27V3C1 RX27V3C2 RX27V3C3 RX27V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX28CAT1 RX28CAT2 RX28CAT3 RX28CAT4 $RXCATF. RX28V1C1 RX28V1C2 RX28V1C3 RX28V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX28V2C1 RX28V2C2 RX28V2C3 RX28V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX28V3C1 RX28V3C2 RX28V3C3 RX28V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX29CAT1 RX29CAT2 RX29CAT3 RX29CAT4 $RXCATF. RX29V1C1 RX29V1C2 RX29V1C3 RX29V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX29V2C1 RX29V2C2 RX29V2C3 RX29V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX29V3C1 RX29V3C2 RX29V3C3 RX29V3C4 $DRGLV3F. RX30CAT1 RX30CAT2 RX30CAT3 RX30CAT4 $RXCATF. RX30V1C1 RX30V1C2 RX30V1C3 RX30V1C4 $DRGLV1F. RX30V2C1 RX30V2C2 RX30V2C3 RX30V2C4 $DRGLV2F. RX30V3C1 RX30V3C2 RX30V3C3 RX30V3C4 $DRGLV3F. EBILLANYE EBILLANYF. EMRED EMREDF. EHRINSE EHRINSF. EDEMOGE EVITALE ESMOKEE EPNOTESE ECPOEE EREMINDE ECTOEE ERESULTE EIMGRESE ECQME EGENLISTE EIMMREGE ESUME EMSGE EMEDIDE EPTEDUE EPTRECE EDEMOGF. EPROLSTE EMEDALGE ESCRIPE EWARNE EGRAPHE EORDERE ERADIE EIDPTE EFORMULAE EPROLSTF. ESHAREEHRE ESHAREWEBE ESHAREOTHE ESHAREUNKE ESHAREREFE ESHAREPROVE1 ESHAREPROVE2 ESHAREPROVE3 ESHAREPROVE4 ESHAREPROVE5 ESHAREPROVE6 ESHAREPROVE7 ESHAREPROVEREF ESHAREPROVEUNK EWHOPRACPF. EDEMOGER EVITALER ESMOKEER EPNOTESER ECPOEER EREMINDER ECTOEER ERESULTER EIMGRESER ECQMER EGENLISTER EIMMREGER ESUMER EMSGER EMEDIDER EPTEDUER EPTRECER EDEMOGRF. EPROLSTER EMEDALGER ESCRIPER EWARNER EFORMULAER EORDERER EGRAPHER ERADIER EIDPTER EPROLSTRF. ESHAREE ESHAREF. OBSSEP OBSSEPF. OBSPHYSED OBSHOSP OBSPHYSOT OBSPHYSUN OBSPHYSEDF. BOARD BOARDF. BOARDHOS BOARDHOSF. EXPSPACE EXPSPACF. SURGDAY SURGDAYF. BEDCZAR BEDCZARF. BEDDATA BEDDATAF. HLIST HLISTF. HLISTED HLISTEDF. AMBDIV AMBDIVF. TOTHRDIVR TOTHRDIVRF. REGDIV REGDIVF. ADMDIV ADMDIVF. INCSHX INCPHYS INCSHXF. BEDREG KIOSELCHK CATRIAGE IMBED ADVTRIAG PHYSPRACTRIA FASTTRAK EDPTOR DASHBORD RFID WIRELESS ZONENURS POOLNURS EDINFO OBSCLIN BEDREGF. EDPRIM EDPRIMF. MUSTAGE1 MUSTAGE1F. MUSTAGE2 MUSTAGE2F. SETTYPE SETTYPF. HHSMUE SECURCHCKE DIFFEHRE EMEDRES YESNOUBF. EHRTOEHRE EHRTOEHREF. ;

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