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Model refactoring by example: A multi‐objective search based software engineering approach

dc.contributor.authorGhannem, Adnane
dc.contributor.authorKessentini, Marouane
dc.contributor.authorHamdi, Mohammad Salah
dc.contributor.authorEl Boussaidi, Ghizlane
dc.identifier.citationGhannem, Adnane; Kessentini, Marouane; Hamdi, Mohammad Salah; El Boussaidi, Ghizlane (2018). "Model refactoring by example: A multi‐objective search based software engineering approach." Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 30(4): n/a-n/a.
dc.description.abstractDeclarative rules are frequently used in model refactoring in order to detect refactoring opportunities and to apply the appropriate ones. However, a large number of rules is required to obtain a complete specification of refactoring opportunities. Companies usually have accumulated examples of refactorings from past maintenance experiences. Based on these observations, we consider the model refactoring problem as a multi objective problem by suggesting refactoring sequences that aim to maximize both structural and textual similarity between a given model (the model to be refactored) and a set of poorly designed models in the base of examples (models that have undergone some refactorings) and minimize the structural similarity between a given model and a set of well‐designed models in the base of examples (models that do not need any refactoring). To this end, we use the Non‐dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA‐II) to find a set of representative Pareto optimal solutions that present the best trade‐off between structural and textual similarities of models. The validation results, based on 8 real world models taken from open‐source projects, confirm the effectiveness of our approach, yielding refactoring recommendations with an average correctness of over 80%. In addition, our approach outperforms 5 of the state‐of‐the‐art refactoring approaches.
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.othersoftware maintenance
dc.subject.otherrefactoring by example
dc.subject.otherPareto front
dc.subject.othermodel evolution
dc.titleModel refactoring by example: A multi‐objective search based software engineering approach
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelComputer Science
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceJournal of Software: Evolution and Process
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dc.owningcollnameInterdisciplinary and Peer-Reviewed

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