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Disruption Dresses

dc.contributor.authorWade, Jordan
dc.description.abstractMy collection of dresses calls attention to the irony of how women's bodies are treated today. The female body is constantly hypersexualized in film, media, dress codes, the workplace, essentially everywhere. This constant sexualization and objectification leads girls to the harmful notion that their worth is based on their physical appearance or sexual desirability. It also teaches them that their body is for others to use, look at, judge, exploit. Paradoxically, women who choose to dress confidently and show off their body are slut-shamed and criticized for not being "respectable." This double standard perpetualizes the idea that women cannot have complete bodily autonomy or express their sexuality freely without fear of judgment or harassment. I want women who wear my pieces to feel confident and liberated, and allow them to define their own sexuality. I want to show the female body for what it is, something to be celebrated.
dc.titleDisruption Dresses
dc.description.thesisdegreenameBachelor of Fine Arts (BFA)en_US
dc.description.thesisdegreedisciplineBachelor of Fine Arts
dc.description.thesisdegreegrantorUniversity of Michigan
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelArt and Design
dc.contributor.affiliationumPenny W. Stamps School of Art and Design
dc.contributor.affiliationumcampusAnn Arbor
dc.owningcollnameArt and Design, Penny W. Stamps School of - Undergraduate Integrative Project Theses

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