Now showing items 1-10 of 454
Spatial Synthesis: Investigations in Progress
(Institute of Mathematical Geography, 2005-06-21)
Research Announcement
Solstice: An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics, Volume III, Number 2.
(Institute of Mathematical Geography, 1992-12-21)
The purpose of Solstice is to promote interaction between geography and mathematics. Articles in which elements of one discipline are used to shed light on the other are particularly sought. Also welcome, are original ...
Computing Areas of Regions with Discretely Defined Boundaries
(Institute of Mathematical Geography, 1992-06-21)
It is well known that the area of a region in the plane can be computed by an appropriate integration arund the boundary of the region. If the boundary is defined by a sequence of points connected by straight lines (a ...
Wilderness as Place
(Institute of Mathematical Geography, 1993-06-21)
Some conflicts are the result of people talking at cross purposes because they interpret identical empirical data in quite different ways. These differences can arise from deep seated differences in belief systems or from ...
Mouth Geography...Or, Sleep Apnea and Linguistics?
(Institute of Mathematical Geography, 2008-06-20)
Might linguistic training that would strengthen the muscle fibers of the uvula alter patterns in sleep apnea?
3D Atlas of Ann Arbor: The Google Earth Approach, Part II.
(Institute of Mathematical Geography, 2006-06-21)
Continuation of a previous work. In this case, textured buildings are uploaded to appear in Google Earth.
Unit 174 American Contract Bridge League Bridge Clubs: Greater Houston
(Institute of Mathematical Geography, 2008-06-20)
Use of Google Earth to create a visual display of locational material about duplicate bridge clubs in the greater Houston area.