The Spotted Horses

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William Faulkner. "Spotted Horses." With original lithographs by Boyd Saunders. Columbia, S.C. : University of South Carolina Press, 1989.

One indication of the enduring popularity of this story is its steady publication in one form or another since 1931. In this beautiful edition, ar tist Boyd Saunders illustrates the story with original prints. In the "Notes and Reflections," he states that he drew each one directly on the printing plate which was then printed by him or under his supervision. To maintain a high quality, Saunders limi ted the number of prints to 600 impressions of each image.

The artist said that one of his goals was to exploit the various confrontations in the story: the free-wheeling Texan vs. the earthbound farmers, the wild mustang ponies vs. the farm mule s, Mrs. Armstid vs. Flem Snopes. Of all the characters, Saunders said that Flem was by far "the most difficult and yet ultimately the most satisfying visual resolution."

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Last Modified: August 1998