This collection was produced as part of the project, “A ‘Big Data’ Approach to Understanding Neighborhood Effects in Chronic Illness Disparities.” The Investigators for the project are Tiffany Veinot, Veronica Berrocal, Phillipa Clarke, Robert Goodspeed, Daniel Romero, and VG Vinod Vydiswaran from the University of Michigan. The study took place from 2015-2016, with funding from the University of Michigan’s Social Sciences Annual Institute, MCubed, and the Sloan and Moore Foundations.
Contact: Tiffany Veinot, MLS, PhD
Office: 3443 North Quad
Phone: 734/615-8281
MCubed project page:
The food environment is: 1) The physical presence of food that affects a person’s diet; 2) A person’s proximity to food store locations; 3) The distribution of food stores, food service, and any physical entity by which food may be obtained; or 4) A connected system that allows access to food. (Source: Data included here concern: 1) Food access; and 2) Liquor access. Spatial Coverage for most data: 10-county Detroit-Warren-Ann Arbor Combined Statistical Area, Michigan, USA. See exception for grocery store data below.