This dataset contains core photos for the jumbo piston core MV0811-14JC (34.2818°N 120.0360°W, water depth: 582 m) retrieved in 2008.11 on R/V Melville off Southern California. MV0811-14JC contains 10 sections (section 1-10). Sections 1-3 were scanned at the LacCore Facility (National Lacustrine Core Facility) at University of Minnesota, while photos for section 4-10 were taken at Marine Geology Repository at Oregon State University. The study is funded by NSF-OCE 1304327. and Data citation: Hendy, I.L., Wang, Y. (2019). Core photos for MV0811-14JC [Data set]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository.
"BOLT Expedition, Leg 2/A Test for Extending the High-Resolution Climate Record Back to 1.2 Ma." Cruise ID: BOLT02MV. 2008. Accessible at Rolling Deck to Repository at
This dataset include core photos for the Kasten core SPR0901-03KC (34.2832°N, 120.0401°W, 586 m water depth) retrieved in 2009.1 on R/V Sproul off Southern California. SPR0901-03KC contains two cores (core 1 and core 2), with each core cut into two sections (section 1 and section 2). The study is funded by NSF OCE-0752093. and Data citation: Hendy, I.L., Wang, Y. (2019). Core photos for SPR0901-03KC [Data set]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository.
"Recover MT Receivers offshore Morro Bay/Deploy and Recover EM Sensor in the San Diego Trough." Cruise ID: SP0901. 2009. Accessible at Rolling Deck to Repository at
This collection represents various raw data and analysis of cores extracted during the January 2009 mission of the research vessel Sproul in the Santa Barbara Basin., Cores included: box core SPR0901-04BC, box core SPR0901-unnamed, and Kasten core SPR0901-03KC. Core photos, physical properties and magnetic susceptibility from the multisensor track (MST), and the scanning X-ray fluorescence (XRF) data are included in the collection., and Cruise DOI: 10.7284/901089
This research is funded by NSF-OCE 0752093.
This collection represents various raw data and analysis of cores extracted during the November 2008 mission of R/V Melville in the Santa Barbara Basin., The core included is the jumbo piston core MV0811-14JC. Core photos, physical properties and magnetic susceptibility from the multisensor track (MST), and the scanning X-ray fluorescence (XRF) data are included in the collection., and Cruise DOI: 10.7284/903459
The research is funded by NSF OCE-1304327.