Work Description

Title: Michigan Big Woods forest research plot: data on leaf traits, root traits, and soil properties Open Access Deposited

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  • See related publication for full methods. Briefly, the leaf and root trait data deposited here were collected (June 2019) for 10 common, deciduous tree species growing at the Big Woods plot at the E.S. George Reserve, Pickney, MI. Furthermore, soil samples were collected throughout this plot.
  • The objective of this research was to improve our understanding of tree growth from underlying variation in leaf and root functional traits. This knowledge ultimately enhances our knowledge of the above- and belowground processes that are involved in structuring forest communities. To this end, we determine which, how and to what degree (combinations of) leaf and root traits influence growth rates across ten temperate tree species along a soil carbon (C) and N gradient growing at the Big Woods plot at the E.S. George Reserve, Pickney, MI. This plot is part of the Smithsonian Institution's Forest Global Earth Observatory (ForestGEO) global network of forest research sites.

  • This dataset contains data on the leaf and root traits of several individuals from tree species, as well as on the soil properties at the Big Woods plots at the E.S. George Reserve, Pickney, MI. Data were collected in June 2019, and used to explain and predict the growth rates of the trees at Big Woods. [Growth data were obtained from Allen et al., 2019,]. Each file contains data on leaf traits, root traits, and soil properties. Trait data are presented per individual tree for each of the 10 study species. Soil data are represented per soil sample, with four soil samples collected per subplot throughout the Big Woods plot (see legend, and publication for explanation). Descriptions and units per variable/column are provided in the legend tab in each file.
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Funding agency
  • Other Funding Agency
Other Funding agency
  • USDA McIntire–Stennis Grant

  • ForestGEO Early Career Research Grants

  • Edwin S. George Reserve Fund
Date coverage
  • 2019-06-01 to 2019-11-01
Citations to related material
  • M. Weemstra, J. Zambrano, D. Allen, MN Umaña. (In press) Tree growth increases through opposing above- and belowground resource strategies. Journal of Ecology.
Related items in Deep Blue Documents
  • Allen, D., Vandermeer, J., Dick, C., Perfecto, I., Burnham, R. (2019). Michigan Big Woods research plot data [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.
Resource type
Last modified
  • 11/20/2022
  • 07/07/2021
To Cite this Work:
Umaña, M. N., Zambrano, J., Weemstra, M., Allen, D. (2021). Michigan Big Woods forest research plot: data on leaf traits, root traits, and soil properties [Data set], University of Michigan - Deep Blue Data.


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