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Segmentation of SED by Boundary Flows Associated With Westward Drifting Partial Ring current

dc.contributor.authorWang, Zihan
dc.contributor.authorZou, Shasha
dc.contributor.authorCoppeans, Thomas
dc.contributor.authorRen, Jiaen
dc.contributor.authorRidley, Aaron
dc.contributor.authorGombosi, Tamas
dc.identifier.citationWang, Zihan; Zou, Shasha; Coppeans, Thomas; Ren, Jiaen; Ridley, Aaron; Gombosi, Tamas (2019). "Segmentation of SED by Boundary Flows Associated With Westward Drifting Partial Ring current." Geophysical Research Letters 46(14): 7920-7928.
dc.description.abstractThe segmentation mechanism of polar cap patches is agreed to be related to temporal changes of interplanetary magnetic field or transient reconnection. In this letter, using Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model driven by two‐way coupled Block‐Adaptive‐Tree‐Solarwind‐Roe‐Upwind‐Scheme and Rice Convection Model, a new segmentation mechanism is proposed. This mechanism works as follows: A strong boundary flow between the Region 1 and Region 2 field‐aligned currents develops, while a shielding process develops in the inner magnetosphere. As the partial ring current drifts westward, the peak of the boundary flow also moves westward. This strong boundary flow raises the ion temperature through enhanced frictional heating, enhances the chemical recombination reaction rate, and reduces the electron density. When this boundary flow crosses the storm‐enhanced density (SED) plume, the plume will be segmented into patches. No external interplanetary magnetic field variations or transient reconnections are required in this mechanism.Key PointsBoundary flows between Region 1 and Region 2 FACs segment SED plume into patchesLocalized plasma loss is due to enhanced frictional heating within boundary flowsNo external IMF direction change is needed in this segmentation scenario
dc.publisherWiley Periodicals, Inc.
dc.subject.otherpolar cap patch
dc.subject.otherpartial ring current
dc.subject.otherBirkeland current boundary flow
dc.titleSegmentation of SED by Boundary Flows Associated With Westward Drifting Partial Ring current
dc.subject.hlbsecondlevelGeological Sciences
dc.description.peerreviewedPeer Reviewed
dc.identifier.sourceGeophysical Research Letters
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