The imaging data was used to measure repeatability and temporal trends of quantitative imaging biomarkers of myelofibrosis in bone marrow based on apparent diffusion coefficient, fat fraction and magnetization transfer ratio. The dataset consists of time series of the MRI Meta-image-header (MHD) images of wild type and diseased mice combined by the imaging time point. The MHD images are an ITK compatible format that can be viewed in standard image viewer, like 3D Slicer. Each time point image archive is structured with a directory tree that contains ./././"mouseID"/"scan-date"/"acquisition type"/
Ross BD, Malyarenko D, Heist K, Amouzandeh G, Jang Y, Bonham CA, Amirfazli C, Luker GD, Chenevert TL. Repeatability of Quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging Biomarkers in the Tibia Bone Marrow of a Murine Myelofibrosis Model. Tomography. 2023 Feb 28;9(2):552-566. doi: 10.3390/tomography9020045. PMID: 36961004; PMCID: PMC10037563.
Goals of this work quantify repeatability and reproducibility across multiple NIH/NCI Co-Clinical Imaging Research Resources Program (CIRP) preclinical MRI systems in performing diffusion measurement using a standardized acquisition protocol on a shared phantom containing temperature-controlled medium of known diffusivity. To achieve these goals, the CIRP Image Acquisition Data Processing (IADP) working group (WG) performed a round-robin study of an ice water-based DWI phantom using a detailed phantom preparation procedure and standardized DWI acquisition protocol, with both site- and core-lab generated ADC measurements derived from shared datasets.