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- Creator:
- Ingrid L. Hendy and Yi Wang
- Description:
- This dataset contains the core photo for the box core SPR0901-unnamed (34.2816°N, 120.0415°W, 588 m water depth) off Southern California, retrieved in 2009.1 on R/V Sproul. The research is funded by NSF OCE-0752093. and Data citation: Hendy, I.L., Wang, Y. (2019). Core photo for SPR-unnamed [Data set]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository.
- Keyword:
- core photo, Santa Barbara Basin, and SPR0901-unnamed
- Citation to related publication:
- "Recover MT Receivers offshore Morro Bay/Deploy and Recover EM Sensor in the San Diego Trough." Cruise ID: SP0901. 2009. Accessible at Rolling Deck to Repository at
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Ingrid L. Hendy and Yi Wang
- Description:
- This dataset contains core photos for the jumbo piston core MV0811-14JC (34.2818°N 120.0360°W, water depth: 582 m) retrieved in 2008.11 on R/V Melville off Southern California. MV0811-14JC contains 10 sections (section 1-10). Sections 1-3 were scanned at the LacCore Facility (National Lacustrine Core Facility) at University of Minnesota, while photos for section 4-10 were taken at Marine Geology Repository at Oregon State University. The study is funded by NSF-OCE 1304327. and Data citation: Hendy, I.L., Wang, Y. (2019). Core photos for MV0811-14JC [Data set]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository.
- Keyword:
- core photos, Santa Barbara Basin, and MV0811-14JC
- Citation to related publication:
- "BOLT Expedition, Leg 2/A Test for Extending the High-Resolution Climate Record Back to 1.2 Ma." Cruise ID: BOLT02MV. 2008. Accessible at Rolling Deck to Repository at
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Ingrid L. Hendy and Yi Wang
- Description:
- This dataset include core photos for the Kasten core SPR0901-03KC (34.2832°N, 120.0401°W, 586 m water depth) retrieved in 2009.1 on R/V Sproul off Southern California. SPR0901-03KC contains two cores (core 1 and core 2), with each core cut into two sections (section 1 and section 2). The study is funded by NSF OCE-0752093. and Data citation: Hendy, I.L., Wang, Y. (2019). Core photos for SPR0901-03KC [Data set]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository.
- Keyword:
- core photos, Santa Barbara Basin, and SPR0901-03KC
- Citation to related publication:
- "Recover MT Receivers offshore Morro Bay/Deploy and Recover EM Sensor in the San Diego Trough." Cruise ID: SP0901. 2009. Accessible at Rolling Deck to Repository at
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Ingrid L. Hendy and Yi Wang
- Description:
- This dataset contains photo of the box core SPR0901-04BC (34.2816°N, 120.0415°W, 588 m water depth) retrieved from 2009.1 on the R/V Sproul. The study is funded by OCE-0752093. and Data citation: Hendy, I.L., Wang, Y. (2019). Core photo for SPR0901-04BC [Data set]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository.
- Keyword:
- core photo, Santa Barbara Basin, and SPR0901-04BC
- Citation to related publication:
- "Recover MT Receivers offshore Morro Bay/Deploy and Recover EM Sensor in the San Diego Trough." Cruise ID: SP0901. 2009. Accessible at Rolling Deck to Repository at
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Bougher, Stephen W. (CLaSP Department, U. of Michigan) and Roeten, Kali J. (CLaSP Department, U. of Michigan)
- Description:
- The NASA MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) spacecraft, which is currently in orbit around Mars, has been taking monthly measurements of the speed and direction of the winds in the upper atmosphere of Mars between about 140 to 240 km above the surface. The observed wind speeds and directions change with time and location, and sometimes fluctuate quickly. These measurements are compared to simulations from a computer model of the Mars atmosphere called M-GITM (Mars Global Ionosphere-Thermosphere Model), developed at U. of Michigan. This is the first comparison between direct measurements of the winds in the upper atmosphere of Mars and simulated winds and is important because it can help to inform us what physical processes are acting on the observed winds. Some wind measurements have similar wind speeds or directions to those predicted by the M-GITM model, but sometimes, there are large differences between the simulated and measured winds. The disagreements between wind observations and model simulations suggest that processes other than normal solar forcing may become relatively more important during these observations and alter the expected circulation pattern. Since the global circulation plays a role in the structure, variability, and evolution of the atmosphere, understanding the processes that drive the winds in the upper atmosphere of Mars provides key context for understanding how the atmosphere behaves as a whole system. A basic version of the M-GITM code can be found on Github as follows: https:/ and About 30 Neutral Gas and Ion Mass Spectrometer (NGIMS) wind campaigns (of 5 to 10 orbits each) have been conducted by the MAVEN team (Benna et al., 2019). Five of these campaigns are selected for detailed study (Roeten et al. 2019). The Mars conditions for these five campaigns have been used to launch corresponding M-GITM code simulations, yielding 3-D neutral wind fields for comparison to these NGIMS wind observations. The M-GITM datacubes used to extract the zonal and meridional neutral winds, along the trajectory of each orbit path between 140 and 240 km, are provided in this Deep Blue Data archive. README files are provided for each datacube, detailing the contents of each file. A general README file is also provided that summarizes the inputs and outputs of the M-GITM code simulations for this study.
- Keyword:
- Mars, MAVEN spacecraft, Mars thermosphere, and Mars global upper atmosphere winds
- Citation to related publication:
- Roeten, K. J., Bougher, S. W., Benna, M., Mahaffy, P. R., Lee, Y., Pawlowski, D., et al. (2019). MAVEN/NGIMS thermospheric neutral wind observations: Interpretation using the M‐GITM general circulation model. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 124, 3283– 3303.
- Discipline:
- Science and Engineering

- Creator:
- Wang, Qi, Elvati, Paolo, Kim, Doohyun, Johansson, K. Olof, Schrader, Paul E., Michelsen, Hope A., and Violi, Angela
- Description:
- Datasets for article in CARBON: Spatial dependence of the growth of polycyclic aromatic compounds in an ethylene counterflow flame. The experiment VUV-AMS measurements ("VUV_AMS_C2H4_Counterflow.txt") consists aerosol mass spectra data from an atmospheric-pressure ethylene/oxygen/argon counterflow diffusion flame described in Johansson et al., Proc. Combust. Inst. 36, 799-806 (2017) doi:10.1016/j.proci.2016.07.130., The experiment VUV-MBMS measurements ("VUV_MBMS_C2H4_Counterflow.txt") consists gas-phase data from an atmospheric-pressure ethylene/oxygen/argon counterflow diffusion flame described in Johansson et al., Proc. Combust. Inst. 36, 799-806 (2017) doi:10.1016/j.proci.2016.07.130., 2D CFD simulation results by KAUST mechanism II ("CFD_KM2_results.xlsx") consists stabilized CFD gas-phase species profiles along different x,y,z coordinates. Species are given by mole fractions., The SNapS2 simulation results ("") consist streamline I (from fuel side), i (from oxidizer side), and middle (DFFO = 5.0mm) for producing results in Fig. 5, Fig. 6, and Table 1. Three folders under each streamline ("C5H6", "C6H5CH3", and "C6H6") represent simulations by using different seeds (cyclopentadiene, toluene, and benzene respectively). The text files inside each folder are a single trace (time-history) for one SNapS2 simulation. Text file name consists "starting time"+"."+"simulation number"+".txt". For example 0.041.25.txt meaning the 25th simulation starting at 0.041s. Four columns inside the text files represent time, molecular mass, reaction index, and SMILES (Simplified molecular-input line-entry system) of the molecule., and Data citation: Wang, Q., Elvati, P., Kim, D., Johansson, K.O., Schrader, P.E., Michelsen, H.A., Violi, A. (2019). Spatial dependence of the growth of polycyclic aromatic compounds in an ethylene counterflow flame: experimental measurements and simulation results [Data set]. University of Michigan Deep Blue Data Repository.
- Citation to related publication:
- Wang, Q., Elvati, P., Kim, D., Johansson, K.O., Schrader, P.E., Michelsen, H.A., Violi, A., 2019. Spatial dependence of the growth of polycyclic aromatic compounds in an ethylene counterflow flame. Carbon 149, 328–335.
- Discipline:
- Science

- Creator:
- Ozturk, Dogacan S
- Description:
- The modeling research conducted to produce this dataset focuses on the solar wind dynamic pressure drop events and how they affect the Earth's intrinsically coupled Magnetosphere, Ionosphere and Thermosphere systems. This study specifically focuses on the 11 June 2017 event, where the solar wind dynamic pressure dropped significantly following a period of higher pressure. We model the response to this pressure drop using University of Michigan Space Weather Modeling Framework ( The simulation results were created using BATS-R-US and GITM models. The observational data required for model comparisons were taken from OMNI ( and CDAWeb ( Databases.
- Keyword:
- GITM, BATS-R-US, Solar wind dynamic pressure, Magnetosphere-Ionosphere-Thermosphere, and MHD
- Citation to related publication:
- Ozturk, D. S., Zou, S., Slavin, J. A., & Ridley, A. J. ( 2019). Response of the geospace system to the solar wind dynamic pressure decrease on 11 June 2017: Numerical models and observations. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 124, 2613– 2627.
- Discipline:
- Science
- Creator:
- Hayward, Stephen L. , Lund, Paul E., Kang, Qing, Johnson-Buck, Alexander , Tewari, Muneesh, and Walter, Nils G.
- Description:
- This work contains the experimental data and associated analysis that are described in the research publication entitled "Ultra-specific and Amplification-free Quantification of Mutant DNA by Single-molecule Kinetic Fingerprinting". This work contains multiple zip files, each of which represents one of the principal experiment groups presented in the publication. Each experiment group contains movie and analysis files corresponding to various experimental conditions related to that experiment group.
- Keyword:
- Single Molecule Fluorescence, Super-Resolution Microscopy, Nucleic Acid Hybridization, T790M Mutation, Cytosine Deamination, SiMREPS, and single molecule kinetic fingerprinting
- Citation to related publication:
- Discipline:
- Science

- Creator:
- Heath, Jeffrey
- Description:
- Videos produced in the course of linguistic fieldwork. Most are presented here in three different video formats. "Gardening Diondiori" illustrates dry-season farming mostly of cash crops using ground water (springs, drying ponds and rivers, underground water sources). The other videos in this block are of ordinary rainwater agriculture done in the rainy season, featuring Dogon people and, in the case of "Rice harvest and threshing," Bangande (speakers of Bangime), who have the same agricultural methods. The principal rainy season crop in the zone is millet (Cenchrus spicatus), but most of the documentaries here are about secondary crops (cowpea, fonio, groundnut, peanut, groundnut, roselle, rice, sesame, sweet potato). "Driving off grain-eating birds" is based on an unsteady cellphone video brought to us, except for the final segments which we shot.
- Keyword:
- Mali, Dogon, and agriculture
- Citation to related publication:
- Moran, Steven & Forkel, Robert & Heath, Jeffrey (eds.) 2016. Dogon and Bangime Linguistics. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
- Discipline:
- Humanities

- Creator:
- Heath, Jeffrey
- Description:
- Documentaries about festivals (some annual, some less often) and ceremonial events, filmed in the course of linguistic fieldwork in central Mali. Those relating to Dogon are: Bamba fishfest 2010; Degeju festival at Yendouma 2012; Dogon cowfest at Pergue 2011; Ginna Dogon 2011 Bandiagara; Koira Bery festival 2010; Songho circumcision 2010; Tomtoms of Tupere; and Yanda huntfest 2010. Bangande (speakers of Bangime) are represented in Tabaski at Bounou (the Muslim feast of the ram). Fulbe are represented in Cowfest at Bamguel 2011 (cowfests are a Fulbe specialty, but the Dogon of Pergue have their own). Songhay is represented by Coronation at Hombori 2011 (the enthronment or "intronisation" of a new king of Hombori). Videos are available in multiple formats.
- Keyword:
- Mali, Dogon, Songhay, Fulbe, and Bangande
- Citation to related publication:
- Moran, Steven & Forkel, Robert & Heath, Jeffrey (eds.) 2016. Dogon and Bangime Linguistics. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History.
- Discipline:
- Humanities